In this work, an ionic conductive Li-Nafion® binder and Li-Nafion® membrane materials were fabricated and used to construct a novel rechargeable Li-O2/air and all-solid battery. The battery achieved a high capacity over 1000mA h (g solids)−1 with good rate capability and capacity ...
在正负极材料增高克容量及平台电压有了成果后,聚合物电解质的技术解决方案也自投罗网了,在抑制锂金属负极枝晶的问题上有了正确的思路,对于提前发布全固态电池产品更具信心了! 锂金属负极上的锂化 Nafion(Li+-Nafion)薄涂层已被证明能够抑制锂枝晶生长,然而,锂金属在空气中稳定性差、与水反应性强等缺点给涂层制...
+24 sjtu2012 2025-02-01 27/1350 2025-02-04 02:58 by lizhiweiouc [论文投稿] 国际生物大分子返修需要回答选择(类似于是否具有创新性等)这种问题吗 25+3 松鼠乔治 2025-01-30 3/150 2025-02-03 21:59 by babero [论文投稿] 有哪些推荐期刊呢 6+3 撞了怀. 2025-02-02 5/250 2025-02-03 ...
Nafion-Li方面的知识求解1 1/1 返回列表 查看: 356 | 回复: 0 只看楼主@他人 存档 新回复提醒 (忽略) 收藏 在APP中查看 【悬赏金币】回答本帖问题,作者吃大米将赠送您 10 个金币 匿名 用户注销 (小有名气) 应助: 0 (幼儿园) 金币: 472.7 红花: 1 帖子: 190 在线: 26.3小时 虫号: 0 注册...
? 2022Correlation times and diffusion coefficients of water molecules were measured for the first time by 1H spin relaxation and pulsed field gradient NMR in Li+, Na+ and Cs+ ionic forms of Nafion 117 membrane. Hydration numbers of Li+, Na+ and Cs+ cations were calculated. It was shown ...
This high-performance electrode is fabricated by encapsulating the active sulfur inside a sealing configuration composed of lithiated Nafion (Li-Nafion), carbon black (BP2000), and a binder of polytetrafluoroethylene. The dense surface of the encapsulated configuration could physically obstruct the ...
Lithiated NafionDeveloped architecture for a lithium-oxygen battery (LOB) positive electrode based on carbon nanotubes with large-volume pores and a Li-Nafion solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) is engineered. At a Li-Nafion/C ratio of 0.2, a discharge capacity of up to 27000 mA h g achieved. ...
In the framework of the search for promising electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries, quantumchemical modeling of the structure, stability, and electronic properties of membranes based on LiNafion. n DMSO, n = 0–16) has been performed by the density functional theory method with inclusion of ...