博纯MD-700大直径Nafion®干燥管应用于气溶胶分析-精准控制样气湿度且无颗粒物流失 MD-700是专为PM颗粒测量和气溶胶分析应用所开发的一款湿度控制产品。为减少颗粒物流失,层流样气流应在干燥管流径中被保持。MD-700可以在许多不同流速的应用中解决这些性能需求,同时移除水气,使得最终测量值更为精准.所有水气都会在...
The realistic polymer structure of the Nafion is extremely huge and very complex, it is simplified to be a repeated structure with part of the major carbon-fluoride backbone and a side chain with radicals of SO_3 in this paper. Water molecules were assigned to distribute between side chains ...
The realistic polymer structure of the Nafion is extremely huge and very complex, it is simplified to be a repeated structure with part of the major carbon-fluoride backbone and a side chain with radicals of SO_3 in this paper. Water molecules were assigned to distribute between side chains ...