最后,根据第一性原理模拟计算出了了不同相的吉布斯自由能随温度和成分变化的多项式表达式,从而可以用于铝锂合金中尺度析出的模拟。 [1] B W S A , Envelope S L B C P , Envelope J L A B P .First principles prediction of the Al-Li phase diagram including configurational and vibrational entropic c...
The Li-rich (up to 15.8 at.% Al) region of the Li-Al phase diagram has been determined by resistivity-temperature and thermal analytical methods. The eutectic lies at 180.5 ± 0.4 °C (453 ± 0.4 K) and 0.57 ± 0.04 at.% Al. The hypereutectic liquidus rises smoothly from the ...
4.最后,得到了不同相的吉布斯自由能随温度和成分变化的多项式表达式,可用于铝锂合金中尺度析出模拟。 [1] Liu, S., Esteban-Manzanares, G. & LLorca, J. First Principles Prediction of the Al-Li Phase Diagram.Metall Mater Trans A52, 4675–4690 (2021). 科学指南针为超过3000家高校和企业提供一站式...
Phase diagram and conductivity of the polymer electrolyte: PEORLiCF3SO3 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 38 作者:PR S?Rensen,T Jacobsen 摘要: A simple model for the concentration dependence of the electrical conductivity of the polymer electrolyte: poly(ethyleneoxide) — LiCF 3 SO ...
Dependence on Crystal Size of the Nanoscale Chemical Phase Distribution and Fracture in LixFePO4 DA, Farmand M, Qian D, Tyliszczak T et al.: Dependence on crystal size of the nanoscale chemical phase distribution and fracture in LixFePO4. Nano... Young - Sang Yu,C Kim,DA Shapiro,.....
KEYWORDSALi—Mg-5ialloys.phasediagramcalculation.micro~tructures 含锂的铝合金密度低,比强度高,是一种重要的航空材料.提高含锂的铝合金的塑 韧性配 合,是材料研究的目标合金化是改善含锂铝合金性能的一种重要手段.人们已经对 A1一Cu-Li, A1一Mg-Li和Al—Li—cu-Mg系合金做了大量研究【..6O00系合金是一...
Keywords:Al-Li-Mg-Si;microstructure;phasediagramcalculation;TEM 含锂铝合金由于强度高、密度低,常用于航空航天材料。如何提高合金的塑性和韧性是亟待解决的课题[1]。改善合金性能最重要的手段之一就是合金化,关于Al-Li-Cu-Mg和Al-Cu-Li合金的合金化研究已经相对成熟,在中强度6000系列铝合金中加入Li元素后,形成合...
Subsolidus phase diagrams of the systems Cs2MoO4-R2(MoO4)3-Zr(MoO4)2, where R = Al, Sc, or In The systems Cs 2 MoO 4 −R 2 (MoO 4 ) 3 −Zr(MoO 4 ) 2 , where R = Al, Sc, or In, have been investigated in the subsolidus region by X-ray powder diffr... BG ...
Li–Si phase diagram: Enthalpy of mixing, thermodynamic stability, and coherent assessment In this work, the Li–Si system was studied by means of drop calorimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, first principles calculations and the \\{... MH Braga,A Dębski,W Gąsior - 《Journal of ...
the maximum Li-containing phase of the Li–Si binary phase diagram (Li22Si5) and each Li metal binary phase as suggested by Goward et al. (Li17M4 [M = Ge, Sn, and Pb] rather than Li22M5).22 In this section, the electrochemical properties of the Group IV elements and their ...