指导性阅读分级体系 (Guided Reading Levels) 也称Fountas and Pinnell分级阅读体系,是美国使用非常广泛的一个阅读分级系统,由阅读专家艾琳•方塔斯 (Irene C. Fountas) 和盖•苏•皮奈尔 (Gay Su Pinnell) 经过长期的研究和教学实践总结得出。小杨老师所在的学校就是按照这个体系给孩子做分级测试的。 Fountas an...
Lexile Levels in Practice The ideal for both reader and text is to match both their assessed Lexile measure. For example a book or magazine with a 770L and a reader assessed at a Lexile level of 770. The reading levels per classroom are wide-ranging and varied. There are many factors th...
By aligning books and educational materials with learners’ reading levels, this innovative Framework will allow educators to create personalized learning pathways and offer actionable insights to support students in developing their Arabic reading skills. Brad...
Benefits of the new Arabic reading scale include the ability for educators to identify and measure students’ reading levels and progress over time, regardless of the reading materials used. For Arabic-speaking programs, the scale provides learning data from the school level up t...
Since growth is expected from one school year to the next, Quantile measures do not translate specifically to grade levels. The Quantile Framework provides two sides to the same coin: a measure for students and a measure for skills and concepts. The student Quantile measure describes what the ...
ARK for Academics will leverage the robust ARK platform, which provides educators at all levels with the ability to see summary data at the diocesan, school and classroom levels, as well as single student dashboards showing current results and historical longitudinal pr...