原版书Lexile蓝思、DRA、GRL和GEATOS四大英语阅读分级体系及解决方案 No.1 Lexile Framework for Reading 更广泛,需搭配 —— 蓝思阅读分级体系 取值范围[ 0L~1700L ]Lexile® 蓝思阅读测评体系是美国Metametircs教育公司经过15年的研究开发的。使用机构遍布美国50个州,大约覆盖了美国全国学生人数的50%,目前已有...
通过阅读测评,定位读物的难度和学生的阅读能力,从而为不同的读者匹配对应的读物,比如 Lexile(蓝思),DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment Levels), GRL(Guided Reading Levels),AR(Accelerated Reader)等。 分享回复赞 少儿英语吧 huanyuyinglian #英语# 如何分辨EFL/ESL原版英语教材(1)中国英语能力等级量表(2)欧洲...
指导阅读、DRA、的建议级别 Pearson Scott Foresman 分级指南》中提供了 Lexile 和阅读恢复。 体裁理解技巧和策略 文本特征 说明性非动作 顺序 作者目的 和修复 地图 标题 Scott Foresman 阅读街 3.5.3国 际标准书号 0-328-13388-4 作者:露西·安· 森 插画: 基兹劳斯卡斯 ì<(sk$m)=bddiii<+^-.-U-.-...
指导性阅读分级体系 (Guided Reading Levels) 也称Fountas and Pinnell分级阅读体系,是美国使用非常广泛的一个阅读分级系统,由阅读专家艾琳•方塔斯 (Irene C. Fountas) 和盖•苏•皮奈尔 (Gay Su Pinnell) 经过长期的研究和教学实践总结得出。小杨老师所在的学校就是按照这个体系给孩子做分级测试的。 Fountas an...
Lexile levels are scientifically and mathematically assigned based on the difficulty and readability of a book. Once you know your child’s Lexile level, you can search for books that match this level to expand your home library and encourage daily reading practice in your own home. Use the Le...
needs for reading materials. It will be easier for teachers to measure their students’ abilities and create data-driven plans for their individual development. At the same time, parents will understand their children’s reading levels so that they can further develop and impro...
and student reading ability in Modern Standard Arabic. By aligning books and educational materials with learners’ reading levels, this innovative Framework will allow educators to create personalized learning pathways and offer actionable insights to support ...
When you search in the same interest areas, you can find different sets of books for your different reading groups. Ranges can be further adjusted later. Many educators and parents ask about how Lexile ranges relate to grade-levels. There is no direct correspondence between grades and the ...