A-Level是由剑桥大学国际考试委员会提供的高中高级学历课程,面向16 至19 岁的学生,学制两年,被誉为英国的金牌教育。 A-Level,帮助学生进入世界大学,培养懂得感恩、敢于担当、乐于奉献、阳光自信的国际精英和未来领袖。 我校A-Level课程独特优势 ①个性课表满足学生发展需要 我校A-Level项目为学生提供了七大组课程,兼...
成都沃顿公学(原牛津公学)A-Level课程 A-level课程是进入国外大学的较后一步准备,专为16-18岁完成课程后申请国外大学的学生而开设。获得A-level有助于学生申请一些世界大学。 什么是A-LEVEL? A-level是Advanced Level General Certificate of Education(高等普通教育)的缩写,是一个为期两年的课程,并在每年年底举行...
如哈罗香港国际学校、愉景湾国际学校、九龙湾启历(Kellet)国际学校、韩国国际学校国际部和Invictus International School ,但当然国际学校的学费会比直资学校贵很多。
Liz sank down until the water came up to her chin and the bubbles were at eyelevel. 莉兹往下沉,直到水没过下巴,泡沫浮至眼睛。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He leaned over the counter so his face was almostlevelwith the boy's... 他倾身伏在柜台上,一张脸几乎凑到小男孩的面前。
StartUp LevelUpBooks Notes Sales & Marketing Budgeting Guide for Entrepreneurs Many people are not ready to be business owners. They don’t have the financial literacy to balance a checkbook let alone read their balance sheet. Or they are in debt from the day they graduate high school until...
阿姆斯特丹大学下属的商学院(Amsterdam Business School)是荷兰乃至欧洲最好的商学院之一,取得了EQUIS、AACSB、AMBA三项世界顶级认证,世界上只有少数商学院同时拥有这三项皇冠认证。图源:veer目前,24申请季还在继续,25申请季也可以开始准备起来了!想要成功获录梦校,语言成绩必不可少。即刻点击【立即预约】咨询语言...
成绩 或 高中三年75%成绩英文要求:雅思6.0(5.5);托福;PTE;朗思等同等水平,本课程不接受多领国和UP语言内测 2A/AS Level and GCSEs学术要求:A/As Level: 80 UCAS points OR O level/IGCSE/GCSE: 2Bs and 2As英文要求:A-Level: Grade E in English intensive subjects(Biology, Business Studie...
Wrapping Up Modern workplaces are getting advanced technically. Therefore, you need excellent management, organizational and technical skills to become an expert in your own field. Attending a reputed business school will help you in your holistic development by preparing you for the dynamic and compe...
阿姆斯特丹大学下属的商学院(Amsterdam Business School)是荷兰乃至欧洲最好的商学院之一,取得了EQUIS、AACSB、AMBA三项世界顶级认证,世界上只有少数商学院同时拥有这三项皇冠认证。 图源:veer 目前,24申请季还在继续,25申请季也可以开始准备起来了! 想...
A Level at Harrow Beijing is contextualized in the history and tradition of Harrow School in London. The current subjects we offer at A Level include Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, Design Technology, Economics, Mandarin, Further Mathematics, English Literature, Geography, Histor...