No.1The Student Room 这个网站相信大家都不陌生,上面有大量经济学笔记, 在经济学考试复习页面的顶部,会发现与你的目标topic相关的内容,主要是A-level复习笔记。 还包含讨论以下知识点的页...
这位老师对 A Level 课程体系很了解,讲课有趣,激发了该生的学习积极性。 此外,在空闲时会去 YouTube 上看网课查漏补缺。课堂上一带而过的难点,常能在 YouTube 上找到讲解浅显易懂的老师。常看的 A Level 网课有:经济类的《EcoplusDal》《The...
虽然不是必须,但是A-level经济可能会提升你的申请竞争力。 Student Room论坛的一位同学表示:“一般如果你只是本科想学经济,也不是非要拥有数学天才的智商才能理解宏观经济学和微观经济学。可是如果你想读研,数学基础一定要打好”。 目前经济专业学生学习的其他A-level科目包括 进阶数学 历史 统计 经济专业申请要求 纵...
alternate expression alternate image alternate in a produc alternate level alternate molecular o alternate polarity sw alternate record key alternate return alternate term plan alternate-immersion t alternatehold alternateinputlibrary alternately pi ate alternatematerial alternatieven alternating accent alternating...
a-law a-level gce a levels a-liang xue a-list student a-mci a-si tft lcd a-skin a-team design a-type facsimile a-vc a-z a-za-z a commission agents s a notice indicators o a an application sign a b cunningham a c voltage distortio a cu nielson a ciliate bge a collateralis...
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"Living on campus makes the whole world of your campus feel a little smaller and more manageable," Megan Chibanga, director of residence life and student housing at the University of New Mexico, wrote in an email. "Campuses can be big and intimidating, but when you live right next to ...