Level of Expressed Emotion Scale--Chinese VersionWaiTong ChienSally W. C. Chanof the Level of Expressed Emotion Scale. Research in Nursing and Health 32:59-70, 2009
Research has suggested that self-report measures of expressed emotion (EE) may be employed as a proxy measure of environmental stress in the home. The appropriateness of the Level of Expressed Emotion scale as a measure of perceived expressed emotion was examined in a sample of adolescents. Parti...
The meaning of ENERGY LEVEL is one of the stable states of constant energy that may be assumed by a physical system —used especially of the quantum states of electrons in atoms and of nuclei—called also energy state.
The years of experience for using adaptive learning technologies in the classroom was M = 4.5 (SD = 2.99). On a 3-point scale (1 = low, 3 = high), the mean score for teachers’ reported familiarity with educational technology was 2.30 (SD = 0.68). 2.3 ...
Parent ratings of 1,305 children from pre-K to Grade 1 were used. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the scale’s factor structure indicated that parent ratings of PSC-17 were composed of three subscales: Externalizing Problems, Internalizing Problems, and Attention Problems. A multiple ...
The self-connections AI and BI(k) are unitless log scaling parameters that scale (multiply up or down) the default value of −0.5Hz. This furnishes them with a simple interpretation: the more positive the self-connection parameter, the more inhibited the region, and so the less it will ...
Schools are promising venues for students accessing evidence-based mental health services, but the development of adaptive implementation strategies to support schools and school professionals may be necessary for scale-up. The effectiveness of different implementation strategies for supporting SP-delivered co...
Evaluation of Physical Characteristics of KYD The assessment was performed using the evaluation scale of KYD physical characteristics developed by the author’s team (Supplementary Material 2), including the body temperature, weight, behavior, tongue image, and body hair of rats, and the total score...
Sentiment indicator prediction is a crucial task in sentiment analysis or emotion recognition. Through the accurate quantification of sentiments expressed
(CKC) and group-level cognitive, as well as emotion–motivation, regulation among secondary school students. Utilizing video recordings of students’ collaborative interactions and process-oriented methods, we examined the occurrence and temporal interplay of these processes from the two tasks. Transmodal...