Differential Emotions Scale, form IV (SeR) (Boyle, 1984): Questionnaire which measures children’s experience of emotions related to internalizing behaviors SDQ (PR, TR) (Goodman, 2001): See Methods School Readiness Survey (TR) (O’Donnell, 2008): Teacher report questionnaire assessing emotional ...
Discovering the structure and organization of a free Cantonese emotion-label word association graph to understand mental lexicons of emotions. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 19581. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-23995-z Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Wulff, D. U., & Mata, ...
Positive psychology focuses on the beneficial effects of positive variables in human health. Research on positive emotions has increased vastly over the last years due to the role that these variables play on psychological health. In order to cope with the increasing need for positive emotions measur...
H3: Higher scores at the P-DIS are associated with a lower ability to properly recognize facial expressions of emotions. People who highly integrate physical and digital cues should be inclined to pay attention to different information sources, that are not necessarily typical of the physical world...
The Emotion Regulation of Other and Self scale (EROS: Niven, Totterdell, Stride, & Holman, 2011) was originally designed to assess strategies used to increase both pleasant and unpleasant emotions in a range of situations and over a 4 week period. The aim of the present study was to cross...
Maternal expressed emotion as a predictor of emotional and behavioral problems in low birth weight children. The purpose of this study was to determine the degree to which maternal emotions expressed toward low birth weight infants (<2500 gm) at six months of age predicted emotional and behavioral...
Chui, Manyika, and Miremadi (2016) carried out an analysis with a similar aim but a different methodology, and also identified a range of jobs at risk of automation, as did White, Lacey, and Ardanaz-Badia (2019). Naturally, this may cause negative emotions towards AI. However, Granulo,...
The statements below inquire about your behavior and emotions. Consider each statement carefully. Then indicate whether the statements are generally true or false for you. TrueFalse 1.I do not tire quickly 2.I believe I am no more nervous than others ...
“to induce or suppress feeling to sustain the outward countenance that produces the proper state of mind in others” (Hochschild,1983, p. 7), involves the management of emotions in private life and professional settings (Lee et al.,2016; Svendsen & Koch,2011). The management of feeling to...
Developments in the fields of religion, psychology, and spirituality have demonstrated that these two dimensions have functional relationships with physical and mental health. Paloutzian and Ellison (1982) developed the Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS), which measures SWB and is comprised of the ...