市场营销专业 案例 以布里斯托大学的市场营销专业(BSc Marketing)为例: A-Level要求:AAA/A*AB,学生还需要在GCSE数学或同等资质的科目(Mathematics or equivalent)中达到gradeB/grade 6的成绩。 经济专业 案例 以剑桥大学的经济专业(Economics BA (Hons))为例: A-Level要求:A*A*A,其中一门成绩需要是数学(Mathema...
是否需要AS成绩:不需要 Multiple factors are taken into account by our admissions selectors to identify the most able candidates. These factors include (1) A-Level (or equivalent) grades; (2) GCSE (or equivalent) grades; (3) the personal statement; (4) the reference; (5) the development of...
GCSE Maths Grade C/4 (Grade B/6 preferred) and English Language Grade B/6 We believe that pr...
D1 意思是图画的正确,得分。以(ii)为例,正确答案185或186或185.5或185.45至185.51都正确,得5分。如果在最后一步数字算错,但直到倒数第二步的步骤都对,给M4分。如果在倒数第三步步骤都对,给M3分。依次往前推,可见基本原则就是做对一步给一步的分,千万不要跳步骤。评分缩写 cao, cso 意思是corr...
Multiple factors are taken into account by our admissions selectors to identify the most able candidates.These factors include(1)A-Level(or equivalent)grades;(2)GCSE(or equivalent)grades;(3)the personal statement;(4)the reference;(5)the development of study skills;(6)motivation for the...
English Language requirements: Grade D or Level 3 in HKCEE; or Level 3 in HKDSE; or Grade E in HKALE; or Score of 6.0 in IELTS; or Score of 550(paper-based)/213(computer based)/80(internet-based)in TOEFL; or Grade C or above in GCSE; or equivalent qualifications. ipass.gov.hk ...
意思是or equivalent,在计算题中如果没特定,那分数和小数形式都算正确。 Max 2 意思是这部分答案最多给2分,无论写了几句话。 ecf,ft 意思是errors carried forward/follow through after error,指在计算题中尽管前一部答案错,但这一部分的答案是对的,这部分依然给分。同一个错误只扣一次分。
Have completed GCSE/IGCSE study (or equivalent) beforeAugust 1st, 2021, and must be predicted outstanding grades. Be applying for Year 12 study commencingAugust 2021, with graduation from the school inJune 2023. Enroll as a boarding student for the two-year duration of the scholarship period.Wh...
Have completed GCSE/IGCSE study (or equivalent) beforeAugust 1st, 2021, and must be predicted outstanding grades. Be applying for Year 12 study commencingAugust 2021, with graduation from the school inJune 2023. Enroll as a boarding student for the two-year duration of the scholarship period.Wh...
If not taken on to a higher level (A-level or equivalent), all candidates will need to show that they have received a basic education (achieving at least a grade C/4 at GCSE, Intermediate 2 or Standard grade (Credit) or equivalent) in Biology, Chemistry, Physics (GCSE Dual Award Combin...