意思是两个点必须都答对才能得这道题的分数。该例题为1分题,只答对一半没有0.5分,只能0分。I 意思是ignore,忽略该部分答案,不算分。owtte 意思是or words to that effect,不需要和答案一模一样,表示出相似含义即可。oe 意思是or equivalent,在计算题中如果没特定,那分数和小数形式都算正确。Max 2 意...
GCSE Maths Grade C/4 (Grade B/6 preferred) and English Language Grade B/6 We believe that pr...
English Language requirements: Grade D or Level 3 in HKCEE; or Level 3 in HKDSE; or Grade E in HKALE; or Score of 6.0 in IELTS; or Score of 550(paper-based)/213(computer based)/80(internet-based)in TOEFL; or Grade C or above in GCSE; or equivalent qualifications. ipass.gov.hk ...
是否需要AS成绩:不需要 Multiple factors are taken into account by our admissions selectors to identify the most able candidates. These factors include (1) A-Level (or equivalent) grades; (2) GCSE (or equivalent) grades; (3) the personal statement; (4) the reference; (5) the development o...
意思是两个点必须都答对才能得这道题的分数。该例题为1分题,只答对一半没有0.5分,只能0分。 I 意思是ignore,忽略该部分答案,不算分。 owtte 意思是or words to that effect,不需要和答案一模一样,表示出相似含义即可。 oe 意思是or equivalent,在计算题中如果没特定,那分数和小数形式都算正确。
A-Level要求:AAA/A*AB,学生还需要在GCSE数学或同等资质的科目(Mathematics or equivalent)中达到gradeB/grade 6的成绩。 经济专业 案例 以剑桥大学的经济专业(Economics BA (Hons))为例: A-Level要求:A*A*A,其中一门成绩需要是数学(Mathematics)成绩,部分学院同时对进阶数学(Further Mathematics)成绩有要求。
If not taken on to a higher level (A-level or equivalent), all candidates will need to show that they have received a basic education (achieving at least a grade C/4 at GCSE, Intermediate 2 or Standard grade (Credit) or equivalent) in Biology, Chemistry, Physics (GCSE Dual Award Combin...
A-Level要求:AAA/A*AB,学生还需要在GCSE数学或同等资质的科目(Mathematics or equivalent)中达到gradeB/grade 6的成绩。 经济专业 案例 以剑桥大学的经济专业(Economics BA (Hons))为例: A-Level要求:A*A*A,其中一门成绩需要是数学(Mathematics)成绩,部分学院同时对进阶数学(Further Mathematics)成绩有要求。
此外,对于您申请的国家是基于英国教育模式的学校毕业资格,并将完成相当于A-level,对于O-level或(I)GCSE成绩将不足以入学。 “If you will have completed your country’s pre-university education (equivalent to U.S. 12th Grade) before arriving on-campus for the fall semester, or if any of the foll...
1.圣安德鲁斯大学 A-level:AAB Psychology BSc (Hons) GCEA-Levels AAB, including at least one of the following subjects: Biology or Human Biology Chemistry Computing Science or equivalent Geography Geology GCSE (B or above) in English, English Language or English Literature, and one GCE A-Level...