language • 6.6.1 Be able to perform generalisations • Default printing will drop trailing 0s, even if rounded, so string formatting should be used (15) Levels-based mark scheme to a maximum of 3, from: • Functionality (3) Funct...
GCSE grades percentage equivalentsThe lower end of the new grade 4 will be equivalent to the lower end of grade C. Approximately the same proportion of students who are currently working at grade C or above will gain a grade 4 or above....
IGCSE examinations signal the completion of High School education, and are designed for students aged 14+ who want to progress on to A-levels – or other international equivalents – before entering university. Undergraduate courses at UK universities will specify that applicants need to meet certain...
aThere are now 12 million graduates - compared with three million people who left school without any qualifications, 6.6 million whose highest qualifications are five good GCSEs or equivalents and 6.7 million whose highest qualifications are A-levels. 现在有12百万个毕业生-比较三没有任何资格的左...