1a). It is naturally distributed in Indochina, South Africa, East Africa and Madagascar, and has been extensively cultivated as horticultural plant in other tropical or subtropical areas7. As one of the representative oil plants, E. tirucalli has long been considered a promising substitute for ...
Standard (sub)tropical planktonic foraminiferal marker species are either absent or present in low and variable abundance, making planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy unreliable in this section29. Details of biohorizons, calibrated ages, and radiometric dates are provided in the Source data file (Fig....
Raw data of PacBio HiFi reads (subreads) and raw Arima HiC reads which were used for genome assembly, raw RNAseq reads as well as the final assembly and annotation can be publicly accessed via BioProject PRJNA1119176 and this link:https://genome.senckenberg.de/download/etim/. Data availabili...
Role Of Stakeholders In Sub-District Level Development Planning Forum In Welahan Sub-District, Jeparadoi:67participatory planningstekeholdersinterestinfluenceHeru SaputraTataloka Jurnal
Vigny, C., Simons, W.J.F., Abu, S., Bamphenyu, R., Satirapod, C., Choosakul, N., Subarya, C., Socquet, A., Omar, K., Abidin, H.Z., et al. (2005). Insight into the 2004 Sumatra–Andaman earthquake from GPS measurements in Southeast Asia.Nature436: 201–206.https://doi...
mixed" forest in northern China, "temperate grassland" and "warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved" forest in north-eastern China, and "cold temperate alpine" and "sub-alpine" vegetation areas in western China and the so called forest area in eastern China (Wu, 1980; Hou, 1988) (Fig. 27)...
Wet sieving of samples for grain-size analysis shows that the sand fraction in unit 2 of both the CB and PI cores is dominated by sub-rounded to sub-angular quartz grains, with a minor lithic component (<2%). Part of the quartz fraction shows iron staining, giving an orange hue (6Y ...
The author of this site has only contributed all the Tamil words you find in the above-listed Eudict.com dictionaries. The site has various sub-sections (e.g. Aviation, Cricket, Finance, Shipping, etc.) listed on the right side of the page. Clicking them, one can get meanings for word...
Download references Author information Authors and Affiliations Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, India Chaitanya Singla & Preeti Sharma Department of Computer Science, Multani Mal Modi College, Patiala, Punjab, India ...
sonnerati genome size, heterozygosity, and repeat ratio, Table S3: Statistics of the subreads in C. sonnerati genome, Table S4: De novo assembly of C. sonnerati genome using chromatin interaction mapping, Table S5: Statistics of the repetitive sequences in the C. sonnerati genome, Table S6...