意思是两个点必须都答对才能得这道题的分数。该例题为1分题,只答对一半没有0.5分,只能0分。I 意思是ignore,忽略该部分答案,不算分。owtte 意思是or words to that effect,不需要和答案一模一样,表示出相似含义即可。oe 意思是or equivalent,在计算题中如果没特定,那分数和小数形式都算正确。Max 2 意...
These factors include (1) A-Level (or equivalent) grades; (2) GCSE (or equivalent) grades; (3) the personal statement; (4) the reference; (5) the development of study skills; (6) motivation for the degree programme applied for; (7) independence of thought and working; (8) skills ...
是否需要AS成绩:不需要 Multiple factors are taken into account by our admissions selectors to identify the most able candidates. These factors include (1) A-Level (or equivalent) grades; (2) GCSE (or equivalent) grades; (3) the personal statement; (4) the reference; (5) the development of...
Cambridge International AS & A Level is typically for learners aged 15 to 18 years who need advanced study to prepare for university and higher education. Cambridge A levels build on the foundations that students have developed within their Chinese curriculum program, and International GCSE program. ...
Computing Science or equivalent Geography Geology 2.巴斯大学 A-level:A*AA Psychology BSc (Hons)A...
GCSE Candidates must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements for admission to a first degree course and hold a GCSE pass in English Language at grade C/grade 4 or above (or equivalent). Also, candidates must hold a GCSE pass in Maths at grade C/grade 4 or above (or equivalent) and GCS...
It is worth noting that most of these students began their education at Harrow Beijing as early as lower school, some even starting in Year 2 (the equivalent of Grade 1 in primary school). They are not only outstanding ...
开设课程:GCSE ALEVEL Year7-Year9 入学季:9月,一般要提前一年申请 费用:注册费£150 全寄宿£40,500/年左右 (以offer为准) 地址:Ruthin School,Mold Road,Ruthin,Denbighshire LL15 1EE 艾臻国际和Ruthin School已建立良好...
Recommendation: To improve the SFF methodology's ability to identify the most poorly performing nursing homes, the Administrator of CMS should assign points to G-level deficiencies in substandard quality of care (SQC) areas equivalent to those additional points assigned to H- and I-level deficiencie...
Functional skills at Level 1 and Level 2 (equivalent of GCSE grade 4) need the students to have a knowledge of how the world works. They are written for adults. Quote Thanks Add post Share Report Bookmark Lougle ·23/05/2023 06:47 ...