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letter to lord chesterfield 翻译:给切斯特菲尔德勋爵的信。切斯特菲尔德勋爵是英国18世纪著名的政治家和作家,真实的姓名是菲利普·斯坦霍普(Philip Stanhope)。他于1694年出生在伦敦,是英国政治家詹姆斯·斯坦霍普的儿子。在政治上,切斯特菲尔德勋爵曾在1737年至1746年担任英国国王乔治二世的首席秘书。在此...
LettertoLordChesterfield解读 •18世纪英国文坛,前半叶是“艾迪生的时代,后半叶是“约翰逊的时代。德莱顿、斯威夫特、艾迪生、蒲柏等一路下来,诗文剧赋之繁盛,可谓累土不辍,渐有奇峰竞秀。待到1750年代,此派文学已蔚为大宗。•这就是新古典主义的牛市,接盘者是塞缪尔·约翰逊(SamuelJohnson)。他有个诨名,...
其间我都没有得到过一顶点儿的资助 没有一丁点儿的鼓励 更没有别人对我的微笑。这种待遇是我不愿见到的 因为我从来没有一个资助人。 维吉尔诗中的牧童最后和爱神相识 发现他是岩穴土人。我亲爱的大人 一个人眼睁睁地看着另一个人在水里挣扎却不去营救 当他从水里出来时 那个人才去帮助他 这就是资助人吗...
SamuelJohnson'slettertoLordChesterfield 7thFebruary,1755 MyLord,Ihavebeenlatelyinformed,bytheproprietor(业主)ofTheWorld⑴thattwopapers(论文,文章),inwhichmyDictionaryisrecommended(推荐)tothepublic,werewrittenbyyourlordship(大人,阁下)⑵.Tobesodistinguished(受到推崇)isanhonorwhich,beingverylittle...
Samuel Johnson's letter to Lord Chesterfield To The Right Honourable The Earl Of Chesterfield 7th February, 1755. My Lord, I have been lately informed, by the proprietor ofThe World, that two papers, in which my Dictionary is recommended to the public, were written by your lordship. To be...
Letter to Lord Chesterfield In18th century, though industry developed fast in British, academic was not in the first place, especially lexicography industry. Quite a number of scholars and publishers had big plans for producing standard English dictionary, but these ideas went away at last. To ...