In this timely A-to-Z guide, Dr’s. Clinton and Clark provide professionals, youth workers, and lay-helpers with biblical insights and recommended action-steps for 40 common counseling situations. Find symptom lists, questions to ask, conversation and prayer-starters, recommended resources, and mo...
For God So Loved the World... Stations of the Cross By Bob Rinella 7 Sayings of Jesus - Prayer Stations By Heather Kenison Jesus Paid It All Prayer Experience By Kayla Jeffers < Join an active communityof 17,000+ youth workers sharing ideas, insights, questions, and more!
Fiction" category. Truly lessons for youth groups, particularly on the value of prayer and the importance of forgiveness, are included in this retelling the first 325 years of the Christian Faith as if it occurred on another planet. See how it is the same yet different in a parallel ...
A CELL PHONE can teach lessons on staying connected to our Source (Jesus) and also about salvation and prayer! A CHALKBOARD or Dry Erase Board can be used to teach a fun interactive object talk on sin and the need for forgiveness. Using a misspelled word shows kids that just because we ...
Children’s Sermon (John 17:6-19) Jesus Gives Us Tools for Prayer Jesus is the Real Thing! (John 15:9-17) Children’s Sermon Children’s Sermon (Luke 24:36-49) Jesus Proves His Identity Children’s Sermon (John 12:20-33) Jesus Died to Give Life “Jesus Cleans the Temple” Childre...
, biblical lament was new for me. I didn’t even know what to call it at the time. I was merely trying to voice my fears and struggles while at the same time pointing my heart toward God. My quest for spiritual survival opened my heart to this historic and biblical form of prayer....
For I thought I had everything To do the Masters will. As I went up the aisle I saw Prayer and put that in, For I knew when I stepped outside I would run into sin Peace and Joy were plentiful The last things on the shelf. ...
If time allows: Invite the students to take out their phones (or share if they do not have a phone) and to prayerfully look at their social media. SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What are the challenges that youth today face with social media?
For many years of my life the friends who moved on in their lives, leaving me behind, was very painful. As I matured and a bit wiser, I learned to let go with love in my heart. I have done the same to others when deciding to change my location, a few times over the years. Nev...
Imagine the excitement, the laughter, and the learning as children immerse themselves in these stories. It's a transformative experience that will leave a lasting impression on their hearts and minds.Learn more! Prayer Journal My Prayer Journal- Each of the 24 prayer sections contain an inspiratio...