A lot of pastors argue that kids will be drawn too or have closer relationships to younger adults because they have more in common is also not true. Many kids are suffering the loss of a parent through divorce. These kids yearn for a…READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE ON MY BLOG/Parents i...
For kids or grownups. 14 lessons, 54 pages. Topics include an introduction to the book of Revelation, the structure and themes of Revelation, John of Patmos, vision of the Son of Man, a lesson on each message to the seven churches, repentance, and more. The Seven Seals Workbook –A ...
Friend February 2025 “Following Jesus Together”“I had a question during an exam that I didn’t know how to answer. I said a prayer in my head, and Heavenly Father helped me understand the question.” Gabriel W., age 11, Luxembourg, Belgium (See picture at link) Friend January 2019 ...
The children’s sermon is a brief biblical message for kids during the adult church worship service. It typically features an object lesson talk to illustrate a Bible theme or passage and help kids focus on the love of Jesus Christ. In many churches, the children’s sermon is presented at ...
Teaching Them to Pray:Prayer isn’t just about saying words—it’s about talking to God like He’s your best friend. And knowing God’s names gives kids a roadmap for those conversations. Whether they’re asking for help or saying thanks, they know exactly who they’re talking to. ...
A CELL PHONE can teach lessons on staying connected to our Source (Jesus) and also about salvation and prayer! A CHALKBOARD or Dry Erase Board can be used to teach a fun interactive object talk on sin and the need for forgiveness. Using a misspelled word shows kids that just because we ...
Sunday School teachers are always on the lookout for great kids Bible lessons that are easy to teach and captivate their children’s imagination! In this article, we’ve assembled ten must-have Sunday School lessons from the Old and New Testaments.
on the different roles of each punctuation mark, or encourage an entire class to participate in pantomiming the punctuation. You could encourage the students to develop their own actions for each mark and reread the selection several times so students become very aware of the role of each ...
Bible Study Lesson on PrayerAnd don't neglect your prayer life! Prayer and Bible study go hand in hand. Take a look at this free Bible study lesson on prayer which includes creative ideas for enhancing your prayer life along with your family or students!
Salah (Prayer) Seerah & Islamic Studies Quran Memorization Full learning programme for kids or adults MOST POPULAR $108/ mo Select Most Popular Only$5.04per one-on-one lesson All prices are in USD **Discounts,special pricingandvolume discountsare available. Pleasecontact usto learn more. ...