The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on India, leading to a national lockdown and causing widespread chaos and suffering. The healthcare system was overwhelmed, resulting in a shortage of resources and healthcare staff. The second wave of the pandemic was even more devastating due to...
However, the search for an HIV vaccine that would contribute to a durable end to the HIV pandemic remains elusive. Here, we draw from the US government experience and highlight lessons learned from COVID-19 vaccine development, which include the importance of public-private partnerships, ...
Mortality in the 1957 Asian and 1968 Hong Kong influenza pandemics was comparable to that of COVID-19 so far (Honigsbaum, 2020). However, severity and mortality were substantially lower in the 2009 influenza A pandemic than in the current COVID-19 pandemic (Faust and Del Rio, 2020, ...
Through his work with the largest academic vaccine centre in the world, Hill gained insight into not only problems in vaccine development but also the lessons learned from this pandemic and the criteria that need to change to meet new challenges. “There are some problems that we as a global ...
Although the COVID-19 pandemic is still active worldwide, health care industry leaders and regulators have already begun to think about how to implement post-pandemic changes to health care delivery based on lessons learned during the global emergency of the past year ...
As we approach the end of the year, the beginning of this pandemic-filled year seems ages ago. It has forced an unprecedented move on all of us, students and teachers alike, to move away from the conventional mode of teaching and learning (T&L), to a virtual, online world known as the...
While these three lessons are some of the more important ones learned as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve learned many others as the situation continues to evolve and new information is discovered. In a time of mass panic, it is important for first responders to know their depart...
Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic After more than a year, it is possible and worthwhile to propose some reflections on the strengths and weaknesses we have experienced and, most importantly, on the lessons learned that must drive our future policies and roadmaps. This is... A Fugge...
In the last decade Open Science principles have been successfully advocated for and are being slowly adopted in different research communities. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic many publishers and researchers have sped up their adoption of Open Scien
COVID-19 pandemic shaped workplaces in a broad array of industries and the privilege of working with employers to tackle truly unprecedented issues. With the milestone anniversary of the pandemic at hand, it is time to reflect on some of the lessons we can learn from this transformational ...