lesson15_warm-up Lesson15–ThePresidentasCorporateSalesman PartOne W B T L E ENTER Lesson15–ThePresidentasCorporateSalesman WarmWarm-up I.Sellasocialsecuritypolicy II.TakethepresidentialquizIII.TobeelectedPresidentIV.Doyouknow W B T L E Lesson15–ThePresidentasCorporateSalesman I.Sellasocialsecurity...
T L E ENTER Lesson13-InMyDay Warm-up I.BecomingoldII.Generationgap III.Whatisyourstory?W B T L E Lesson13-InMyDay I.Becomingold •Whendopeopleattainoldage?•Whatchangeswouldoccurtotheelderly?•Whydotheagedliketotalkabouttheirpastlives?•Whatareyourthoughtsonageand aging?W B T L ...
lesson15_warm-up 系统标签: warmpresidentsalesmanlessoncorporatebush BTLEW Lesson15–ThePresidentasCorporateSalesman ENTER BTLEW I.Sellasocialsecuritypolicy II.Takethepresidentialquiz III.TobeelectedPresident IV.Doyouknow Lesson15–ThePresidentasCorporateSalesman BTLEW "Asyoucantell,I'mupbeat,"the president...
1、Unit 13PeopleWarm-up & Lesson 1 EQ: IQ一、概括课文大意快速阅读课文“Success comes with a high EQ”,以约 30 词概括文章的大意。提示:本文讲述了大多数人认为智商比情商重要,然而,成功不仅仅是因为高智商,而且也是高情商的结果。如果情商不比智商更重要的话,至少也是一样重要。_ This passage states/...
economic ideas? What are the common things every president sells? Discuss in groups. Lesson 15 – The President as Corporate Salesman B T L E W This is the end of Part One. Please click HOME to visit other parts. Lesson 15 – The President as Corporate Salesman 相关...
Lesson 1.1.1 Warm Up Team Sort: You have been handed a problem to solve by your teacher. Your answers to your specific problem will determine your team for the first chapter. Try to solve the problem by yourself in your notebook or paper and check with the teacher if your answer is co...
2. Warm-up questions (1) Do you agree the point of view that universities are only for job training? What else should a student strive for in a university? (2) How would you respond if your friend declares that he/she is only interested in learning some job skill and therefore has ...
Life long learning means that it’s never too soon or too late for learning.It suggests that a learner’s attitude towards learning is the most important thing.One can and should be open to new ideas,decisions,skills or behaviours.Life long learning throws the saying“You can’t teach an ...
Step 1: Warm-up What will the schools be like in the future? Taller buildings Better environment Robot teachers E-book Classroom with bed … Step 2:Introduction — Learn the news words e-book robot teacher smart ID online learning Discussion Look at the photos, Which do you think will be...
An invention is creating something totally new with one's own ideas and development. Revision 1. What significant inventions or discoveries do you know? 2. Why do you think they are significant? Warm-up 1 Pre-reading What do you think are the most important inventions or discoveries of the...