Lepton number and neutron massWitten, Edward
This classification, aimed at providing a general understanding of new physics breaking lepton number by two units (∆L = 2), focused on higher-dimensional operators built from Standard Model (SM) quarks, leptons as well as the SM Higgs doublet. This classification has however left-out an ...
A sensitive search for the lepton-number-violating decay Xi(-)-->pmu(-)mu(-) has been performed using a sample of approximately 10(9) Xi(-) hyperons produced in 800 GeV/c p-Cu collisions. We obtain B(Xi(-)-->pmu(-)mu(-))<4.0x10(-8) at 90% confidence, improving on the bes...
of nuclearK-capture is accompanied by the emergence of an electron neutrino (νe), e–+ p → n + νe, and the absorption of a negative muon (μ–) is accompanied by the emergence of a muon neutrino (vμ), μ–+ p→ n + νμ; in the process of beta decay of a neutron (n...
Leptons are the lightest class of particles having nonzero rest mass. From a technical point of view, they are defined by their behavior, being weakly interacting fermions, i.e., leptons can result from the slow decay of nuclear particles such as the neutron but do not experience a strong ...
This startling new discovery has been tentatively named Administratium The new element has no protons or electrons, thus having an atomic number of 0. It does, however, have 1 neutron, 125 assistant neutrons, 75 vice neutrons, and 111 assistant vice neutrons, for an atomic mass of 312. ...
Fig. 5 a Mass spectrum of the Dirac lepton doublet \Psi . b Feynman diagram for Z mediated elastic scattering between Dirac DM \psi ^0 and nucleon (proton/neutron) N=\{p,n\} Full size image The Yukawa interaction between the vector-like lepton doublet (\Psi ) and the additional scal...
The quark composition of the proton is uud, while that of the neutron is udd. Show that the charge, baryon number, and strangeness of these particles equal the sums of those same numbers for their quark constituents. If electrons are leptons, and leptons, along with quarks, are fermio...
Lepton number is the total number of leptons present in a system, minus the total number of antileptons. El número leptónico es el número total de leptones presentes en un sistema, menos el número total de antileptones. Literature ...
And breaking lepton number can explain the smallness of neutrino masses [53], [54], [55], [56], [57]. Two extensions of the SM where B and L are spontaneously broken gauge symmetries near the weak scale are constructed [58]: model I is a non-supersymmetric extension [59], [60]; ...