electron n.[C] 电子 mu lepton 【化】 μ子 number n.[C] 1.数;数字 2.号码;…号;第…号 3.电话号码 4.【英】车牌号码,登记号码 5.一首流行乐曲 6.[singular]数目;数量 7.[plural](尤指参加某一活 electron amplifier 电子放大器 electron coupling 【电】 电子耦合 electron microautoradiog...
We discuss the possibility of testing the Majorana nature of the neutrino in electron-electron colliders. We consider the reaction e − e − → W − W −, where the W is either left- or right-handed. We find that for the production of standard W's, a collider with s ⩾ 1...
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In the presence of rapid fermion-number violation due to nonperturbative electroweak effects certain relations between the baryon number of the Universe and the lepton numbers of the Universe are predicted. In some cases the electron-neutrino asymmetry is exactly specified in terms of the baryon asym...
Averages of b -hadron, c -hadron, and \(\tau \) -lepton properties as of summer 2016 Measurement of the properties of a Higgs boson in the four-lepton final state Natural suppression of symmetry violation in gauge theories: Muon- and electron-lepton-number nonconservation...
Search for lepton-flavor and lepton-number-violating τ→ℓhh′τ→ℓhh′ decay modes We search for lepton-flavor and lepton-number-violating τ decays into a lepton ( = electron or muon) and two charged mesons ( h,h ′ =π ± h , h ′ = π± mathContainer Loading Mathjax or ...
any of a class of particles with spin of ½ that are not subject to the strong force and that are believed to be truly elementary and not composed of quarks or other subunits. The leptons known or believed to exist are the electron and electron-neutrino, the muon and mu-neutrino, and...
productionleptonnumberviolationphoton-photoncollisionWe examine single chargino production in conjunction with R-parity leptonnumber violation in future lepton-lepton collisions. Present bounds on R-parityviolating couplings allow for a production cross section of the order of${\\cal{O}} (10 {fb})$...
The electron and the muon are almost twins, except for their large mass difference; each is negatively charged, has a positively charged antiparticle, and has an associated neutrino and antineutrino. Separate laws govern the conservation of electron family number and of muon family number, the ...
antitauon,tau-plus particle- an antilepton of very great mass elementary particle,fundamental particle- (physics) a particle that is less complex than an atom; regarded as constituents of all matter antielectron,positron- an elementary particle with positive charge; interaction of a positron and an...