theoryforecast. Leontiefparadoxisanimportantturningpointinthehistory ofthedevelopmentofwesterninternationaltradetheory,it promotedtherapiddevelopmentofthepostwarinternational tradetheory.AboutLeontiefparadoxinterpretation,is actuallythepremiseofcorrectionfromdifferentaspectsof ...
Since the USA was clearly the world's most capital-rich country at that time, the finding that US exports were relatively labour-intensive and US imports relatively capital-intensive directly contradicted the Heckscher–Ohlin theorem and became known as theLeontief Paradox…...
Leontiefvalidated the Factor Endownment theory and got a result contrary to the theory, which is called "LeontiefParadox". 对要素禀赋理论加以验证,得到了与要素禀赋理论完全相反的结论,被称为“里昂惕夫之谜”。 2. Based on the dynamic game theory and theLeontiefmodel, the event of west coast por...
The Leontief paradox 里昂惕夫之谜The Leontief paradox TheLeontiefparadox is aconflictionon international trade anddivision,whichstates thatcountries with high capital-per worker havea lower capital/labor ratio in exports than in imports. Traditional international trade theory proposed by DavidRichado(1817...
Leontief Paradox There exist two possible methods for the investigation,the inductive inference and deductive inference.The inductive inference collects empirical observations and infers the general conclusion from them.Although it is very useful for the practical purposes,the inductive inference cannot arrive...
摘要: Leontief Paradox,我国学术界一般译作"里昂惕夫之谜",我认为此译似欠妥切.本世纪三十年代,瑞典经济学家赫克歇尔和俄林提出了以三维性生产要素(土地,资本和劳动力)理论为核心的"赫—俄"国际贸易模式.这一模式的基本命题是:鉴于关键词:生产要素 经济学家 劳动力 学术界 资本密集型产品 瑞典 俄林 里昂惕夫...
The Leontief Paradox Leontief also studied trade flows in the 1950s. Based on input-output analysis of international trade he discovered that the U.S., a country with a great deal of capital, was importing capital-intensive commodities and exporting labor-intensive commodities. This is in contras...
3) Leontief Paradox 里昂惕夫之谜 1. Since the born of Leontief Paradox, great improvement has happened tothe international trade theory. 自里昂惕夫之谜提出后,国际贸易理论经历了重大发展,一系列对里昂惕夫之谜的解释构成了战后国际贸易新理论的主要内容。 2. Leontief validated the Factor Endownment...
the US was abundant in capital compared with labour. Leontief’s finding was so startling that it has been called a ‘paradox’, even though the result amounted to at most a single contradiction of the theory and even though no alternative model could be said to conform better with the ...