Since the USA was clearly the world's most capital-rich country at that time, the finding that US exports were relatively labour-intensive and US imports relatively capital-intensive directly contradicted the Heckscher–Ohlin theorem and became known as theLeontief Paradox…...
Leontief was also credited with the Leontief Paradox and the Composite Commodity Theorem. Understanding Wassily Leontief Wassily Leontief was born in Germany in 1906 and died in New York City in 1999 at the age of 93. As an economist, he made several contributions to the science of economics. ...
LeontiefParadox Chapter12 Leontief Paradox There exist two possible methods for the investigation,the inductive inference and deductive inference.The inductive inference collects empirical observations and infers the general conclusion from them.Although it is very useful for the practical purposes,the ...
Research programs, model-building and actor-network-theory: Reassessing the case of the Leontief Paradox. The Journal of Economic Methodology 2004; 11 (4): 455-76.Justin Bledin,Sharon Shewmake.  Research programs, model-building and actor-network-theory: Reassessing the case of the Leontief...
Heckscher-Ohlin theory, a theory of comparative advantage in international trade that correlates the relative plenitude of capital and labor between countries with the prevalence of capital- or labor-intensive products in their exports and imports.