【生活大爆炸】The Big Bang Theory - Howard- Oh-ho-ho! I Haven’t Seen This Trick In Year 1.6万 1 01:30 App [生活大爆炸名场面]艾米终于得手了 149 0 00:42 App 【生活大爆炸】The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon- I’m Sorry, It’s The Bad Boy Attitude 5530 1 01:51 App 谢尔顿和拉杰...
Big Bang Theory Quote 6836 Quote from Leonard in the episode The Love Car Displacement Sheldon: We have seven people and two cars. In the lead car, driven by Leonard, will be myself, Amy Farrah Fowler and Penny. Amy: Yes! He had you in the other car, but I got you upgraded. Pen...
#生活大爆炸 #thebigbangtheory #Sheldon #Leonard 莱纳德和谢尔顿的友情… @TBBT_小糖罐· 2024年12月19日TBBT_小糖罐 00:00 245 Kawhi Leonard.#kawhi #leonard @Papa Loo· 1月7日Papa Loo 00:53 476 《千吻之深》A Thousand Kisses Deep是加拿大词曲作家、小说家、诗人和画家“民遥诗人”莱昂纳德.科恩...
Sheldon可能一开始就是Senior 剩下两个都是在别的地方做了一期Postdoc,然后开始在Caltech做的Research ...
The Big Bang Theory became a TV phenomenon. 《生活大爆炸》现今已经成为一大电视现象了。 Buoyed by strong viewership (16 million) and an omnipresentrun in syndication, the 2011-12 season marked TBBT’s most successful to date. Not only did it rank as the comedy’s most-watched year, the CB...
Lenford Landon "Lenny" Leonard (born April 13, 1957) is a recurring character in The Simpsons, and a supporting character in The Simpsons Movie. He is the best friend of Carl Carlson and, along with Carl, second best friend of Homer Simpson, behind Barne
Uh, maybe you never fit in .Or maybe you're the smallest kid in the school ,or the heaviest or the weir 分享132 生活大爆炸吧 贴吧用户_0KK3aWC 《生活大爆炸》剧透:Leonard起航,踏上研究之旅不知道这个新闻有人发过没有,没有发过的话,我就用来水经验啦 The Big Bang Theory hit San Diego ...
The Big Bang Theory became a TV phenomenon. 《生活大爆炸》现今已经成为一大电视现象了。 Buoyed by strong viewership (16 million) and anomnipresentrun in syndication, the 2011-12 season marked TBBT’s most successful to date. Not only did it rank as the comedy’s most-watched year, the CBS...
When last wegeekedout with CBS’ The Big Bang Theory, Leonard watched Penny do the Walk of Shame — away from his own bedroom, in fact, where she had comically (and very drunkenly) slept with Raj. CBS电视网美剧《生活大爆炸》上一集结尾时,Leonard看到了Penny满脸羞愧的从自己的房间走出来——...
Episode –"Little Girl in the Big Ten" Episode –"Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge" Episode –"How I Spent My Strummer Vacation" Episode –"Large Marge" Episode –"Helter Shelter" Episode –"The Great Louse Detective" Episode –"The Dad Who Knew Too Little" Episode –"I'm Sp...