【生活大爆炸】The Big Bang Theory - Howard- Oh-ho-ho! I Haven’t Seen This Trick In Year 1.6万 1 01:30 App [生活大爆炸名场面]艾米终于得手了 149 0 00:42 App 【生活大爆炸】The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon- I’m Sorry, It’s The Bad Boy Attitude 5530 1 01:51 App 谢尔顿和拉杰...
在《生活大爆炸》第二季的第15集中,莱纳德的母亲首次登场。这一集的标题为《the codpiece ploy》,讲述的是霍华德为了赢得比赛,决定和莱纳德一起参加一项科学竞赛。莱纳德的母亲为了支持儿子,不远千里来到加州,她是一位典型的慈祥母亲,对儿子的事业充满期待。莱纳德的母亲是一位科学家,拥有博士学...
最开始Leonard和penny是主角,谢耳朵只是个男二号,结果没想到谢耳朵太出彩。现在Leonard的作用感觉像是给大家解释谢耳朵的冷幽默 据说
aBig Bang Theory is a sitcom starring Johnny Galecki (Leonard Hofstadter), Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper), Kaley Cuoco (Penny), Simon Helberg (Howard Wolowitz), and Kunal Nayyar (Raj Koothrappali). 大轰隆理论是担任主角约翰尼Galecki (伦纳德Hofstadter),吉姆教区牧师(Sheldon木桶匠), Kaley Cuoco (便士...
Adam Nimoy will guest star as himself, looking to get Sheldon (played by Jim Parson’s) to appear in a documentary about his father. It’s a bit of art imitating life, as the young Nimoy is, indeed, working on a documentary in real life. No word on whether theBig Bang Theorycast ...
Big Bang Theory Quote 6836 Quote from Leonard in the episode The Love Car Displacement Sheldon: We have seven people and two cars. In the lead car, driven by Leonard, will be myself, Amy Farrah Fowler and Penny. Amy: Yes! He had you in the other car, but I got you upgraded. Pen...
"It makes me crazy because technically that photo was from the fantasy sequence, so it shouldn’t be a real photo on her refrigerator," Molaro reveals in the book The Big Bang Theory: The Definitive, Inside Story of the Epic Hit Series. "Unless Leonard said, 'Hey, we should go re-cr...
Leonard may have been the main character on The Big Bang Theory, but while his sweetness was apparent, he could also be very annoying.