Since political theorist Leo Strauss' death in 1973, American interpreters have heatedly debated his intellectual legacy. Daniel Tanguay recovers Strauss from the atmosphere of partisan debate that has dominated American journalistic, political, and academic discussions of his work. Tanguay offers in cry...
A13 History of Political Philosophy. (First Edition) 政治哲学史 (第一版) 芝加哥,1963年 A14 On Tyranny. (Revised and Enlarged) 论僭政 (修订和扩充版) 格伦科,1963年 A15 The City and Man. 城邦与人 芝加哥,1964年 A16 Hobbes' politische Wissenschaft. 霍布斯的政治学 诺伊维德,1965年 首次评论...
Strauss was one of the pre-eminent political philosophers of the twentieth century. Most of his work took the form of investigations in the history of political philosophy, but his intentions were not simply those of a historian of ideas. His investigations had a philosophical purpose and even,...
NaturalRightandHistory,1953. 《关於马基雅维里的思考》,申彤译,南京:译林出版社,2003。 ThoughtsonMachiavelli,1958. 《政治哲学史》,李天然等译,石家庄:河北人民出版社,1993。 HistoryofPoliticalPhilosophy,coeditedwithJosephCropsey,3rded.,1987. 〈什麼是自由教育?〉,一行译 "WhatIsLiberal...
参见后文中所列的丹尼尔·唐格维作品中的说法,及John G. Gunnell的“Strauss before Straussianism”...
LEO STRAUSS I. The Problem of Political Philosophy The meaning of political philosophy and its meaningful character are as evident today as they have been since the time when political philosophy first made its appearance in Athens. All political action aims at either preservation or change. When ...
Judaic studies Leo Strauss and the Jewish question| Philosophyhomelessnessand the politics of redemption GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY Gerald M. Mara AvniAlexanderThis study of Leo Strauss is an attempt to reconstruct his interpretation of the history of political thought in terms of his own unique ...
1987, History of Political Philosophy, coedited with Joseph Cropsey, 3rd ed. 《政治哲學史》,李天然等譯,石家莊:河北人民出版社,1993。 1989, An Introduction to Political Philosophy: Ten Essays by Leo Strauss, ed. Hilail Gildin. ◘ "Three Waves of Modernity" (1975) 〈現代性的三次浪潮〉,...
2018-古代自由主义的复兴:施特劳斯的古典政治哲学(The Rebirth of Ancient Liberalism: Leo Strauss on Classical Political Philosophy) The problem of ancient and modern liberalism is fundamental in the political philosophy of Leo Strauss. Their differences could be described as follows: an... Hualing Ma ...