Strauss《What is Political Philosophy?》读书笔记 英文标注参考Leo Strauss:What is Political Philosophy, University Of Chicago Press,1988. p9-55. 提要:opinion与knowledge之间的区分,political philosophy是一场用knowledge取代opinion的运动;古典派中关于the common good的强调;实证主义、韦伯强调“价值中立”;马.....
在2024年年末意外地读到了本年度最好的一本书:当代政治哲人Charles Larmor的《为什么我们需要政治哲学》。 这本书英文原版出版于2020年,书名是What is Political Philosophy,即,“什么是政治哲学”,与上世纪著名政治哲人施特劳斯(Leo Strauss)的著名政治哲学专著同名。... (展开) ...
WHAT IS POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY? LEO STRAUSS I. The Problem of Political Philosophy The meaning of political philosophy and its meaningful character are as evident today as they have been since the time when political philosophy first made its appearance in Athens. All political action aims at either...
What is Political Philosophy? 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 列奥·施特劳斯(Leo Strauss,1899年9月20日-1973年10月18日)是一位德裔美国政治哲学家,专事古典哲学研究。他生涯中的大部分是芝加哥大学的政治科学教授,在那里他教授了几代投入的学生,也出版了十五本书。自他死后,他开始被认为是美国新保守主...
What is Political Philosophy?, 10.Leo Strauss.What is Political Philosophy.. 1959What is Political Philosophy?". Strauss. An Introduction to Political Philosophy;Strauss,Natural Right and History . 1965STRAUSS, L. (1988b). What is political philosophy? Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Pub...
Strauss regarded the study of Hobbes as essential to an adequate understanding of modernity and to his effort to reopen the quarrel between the ancients and the moderns. In his discussion of Hobbes in chapter seven of What Is Political Philosophy?, Strauss takes up the question of the ...
Challenges to Political Philosophy_ Positivism & Historicism (Leo Strauss - 1966 71 -- 29:15 App Political Judgment (Isaiah Berlin - 1957) 83 -- 13:13 App Gadamer on Kant 34 -- 4:52 App The Outsider - Inside Alan Moore's Head 24 -- 4:03 App The Information Era - Inside Alan...
liberaleducationleo施特劳斯pupilsculture WhatIsLiberalEducation?ByLeoStraussRobertMaynardHutchinsDistinguishedServiceProfessorDepartmentofPoliticalScienceTheUniversityofChicagoAnAddressDeliveredattheTenthAnnualGraduationExercisesoftheBasicProgramofLiberalEducationforAdultsJune6,1959LeoStrausswasborninGermanyin1899.Sincecomingtothe...
What Is Liberal Education? By Leo Strauss Robert Maynard Hutchins Distinguished Service Professor Department of Political Science The University of Chicago An Address Delivered at the Tenth Annual Graduation Exercises of the Basic Program of Liberal Education for Adults June 6, 1959 http://www.ditext...