带有TrackPoint Driver的ThinkPad USB键盘(10.8 MB) 自述文件(4.5 KB) Windows 8.1 Windows 8 Windows 7 Windows Vista Windows XP 1.12 2015 年 7 月 16 日 注意:您可以用新的替换 tpusbkybdwtrackpoint_110.exe 和 txt。 说明书 版本 发布日期 安装海报和保修信息(2.9 MB) 2014 年 12 月 2014 年 12...
Re:TrackPoint Keyboard KT-1255 KU-1255 'Thinkpad Preferred Scrolling' fails with Visual Studio 2019 I was just about to post the same issue and found this thread. More information on this issue: The driver HScrollFun.exe does not work with applicat...
ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with Trackpoint (0B47190) 是一款傳奇的、屢獲殊榮的全尺寸超薄鍵盤,採用島式按鍵設計。為了提供無縫的用戶體驗,這款新的島式鍵盤反映了相同的設計、功能和技術規格ThinkPad的。 ThinkPad Compact 鍵盤採用剪刀式升降鍵機制,確保出色的人體工程學和舒適性。更大的按鍵以及更大的按鍵間...
Hello again, Ok so part if it turned out to be a bad keyboard. Keyboard is now swapped but I'm experiencing the pretty common problem where the most recent synaptics driver makes the trackpoint and buttons crash every time the computer goes...
The ThinkPad TrackPoint II Keyboard translates the ThinkPad notebook’s iconic typing experience into a stand-alone device. True to form, it features the same dish-shaped ergonomic keycaps for comfort, as well as an integrated TrackPoint for easy navigation in tight spaces without a mouse. It...
ThinkPad USB Keyboard with TrackPoint 包裝在運輸紙箱中: 大約高度:37 毫米(1.5 英寸) 大約寬度:335 毫米(13.2 英寸) 近似深度:258 毫米(10.2 英寸) 大約重量:0.64 千克(1.4 磅) 操作環境: 溫度:10 度至 40 度 (C)(50 度至 104 度(F))
ThinkPad USB Keyboard with TrackPoint 包裝在運輸紙箱中: 大約高度:37 毫米(1.5 英寸) 大約寬度:335 毫米(13.2 英寸) 近似深度:258 毫米(10.2 英寸) 大約重量:0.64 千克(1.4 磅) 操作環境: 溫度:10 度至 40 度 (C)(50 度至 104 度(F))
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Keyboard thickness Standard TrackPad / Fingerprint Reader TrackPoint Details COMO TrackPoint module (t5.5mm) Finger Print Reader Model Synaprics Metallica 8×8 FPR, MoC Multi-Touch Yes Resolution 1000 ppi TrackPad/TouchPad thickness 3.3mm
and 64-bit memory interface running at around 1600MHz. The exact clocks on the NVS 3100M in our test system are 606/1468/1620 core/shader/RAM; the last G210M laptop we looked at had clocks of 606/1468/1580, so the only difference is in the RAM clock. Also note that driver updates...