ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with Trackpoint (0B47190) 是一款傳奇的、屢獲殊榮的全尺寸超薄鍵盤,採用島式按鍵設計。為了提供無縫的用戶體驗,這款新的島式鍵盤反映了相同的設計、功能和技術規格ThinkPad的。 ThinkPad Compact 鍵盤採用剪刀式升降鍵機制,確保出色的人體工程學和舒適性。更大的按鍵以及更大的按鍵間...
ThinkPad Compact Bluetooth Keyboard with TrackPoint - 概述和維修零件 This is machine translated article, please click here to view original English version. 特點和規格 使用ThinkPad Compact 藍牙鍵盤增強您的ThinkPad這款屢獲殊榮的鍵盤採用ThinkPad筆記本電腦的經典 TrackPoint 設計,無需鼠標即可輕鬆導航。剪刀式...
Re:TrackPoint Keyboard KT-1255 KU-1255 'Thinkpad Preferred Scrolling' fails with Visual Studio 2019 I was just about to post the same issue and found this thread. More information on this issue: The driver HScrollFun.exe does not work with applicat...
方法是开机连续按F1键进入BIOS,找到Config菜单项,选择Keyboard/Mouse,可以将Touch Pad选项选择为Disabled...
Example: openSUSE 11.2 and ThinkPad USB Keyboard with TrackPoint xinput list will show two "Lite-On Technology Corp. ThinkPad USB Keyboard with TrackPoint." with two different ids. Use the id with Axis 0 and Axis 1 items. Suppose the id was 12. The following will enable the trackpoint ...
Driver “evdev” Option “EmulateWheel” “true” Option “EmulateWheelButton” “2″ Option “Emulate3Buttons” “false” Option “XAxisMapping” “6 7″ Option “YAxisMapping” “4 5″ EndSection 如图所示: 第三步,重启生效,Trackpoint中键已经可以正常的翻滚页面了。
I understand that your ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard stopped working on Windows 11. Is this the one that you are using:ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with TrackPoint? Kindly try the keyboard with another computer running Windows 11, then test with a Windows 10 machine to ...
如果 Fn 组合键在某些装有 Windows XP 操作系统的 ThinkPad 计算机上无法正常工作,则确保 该计算机装有 Lenovo System Interface Driver 的最新版本或热键实用程序的驱动程序. 8 ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with TrackPoint / ThinkPad Compact Bluetooth Keyboard with TrackPoint 用户指南 始终可在 http://www....
ThinkPad USB Keyboard with TrackPoint packaged in a shipping carton: Approximate height: 37 mm (1.5 in) Approximate width: 335 mm (13.2 in) Approximate depth: 258 mm (10.2 in) Approximate weight: 0.64 kg (1.4 lb) Operating environment: ...