ThinkPad T480是常规14英寸笔电,而ThinkPad T480s是ThinkPad T480的轻量化版本,仅重1.32kg,号称是目前最轻的商务笔记本,个头稍大的ThinkPad T580则是15英寸机型,更像是一台工作站,可提供长达27小时续航寿命(需要外置电池)。具体配置规格暂未公布,据悉新一代将全面升级英特尔酷睿8代处理器,T480和T480s最多可选择...
The ThinkPad T480 comes standard with built-in Power Bridge technology. This innovation is the answer to 'low battery' warnings, especially if you are on the road or without a nearby power outlet. It allows you to swap out a battery and replace it with a fully charged one—without having...
Lenovo ThinkPad T480 Core i5-8350U 1.70GHz 8GB 256GB SSD 14" Laptop Grade B - May show some signs of use. Adapter: Included This product may not have been manufacturer certified but has been professionally inspected, tested and cleaned by Walmart Restored Program Sellers an...
英国亚马逊 Lenovo Thinkpad T480 Intel® 1600 MHz 8192 MB Portable, Flash Hard Drive UHD GRAPH. 620: Computers & Accessories历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名
ThinkPad T480在配置方面,采用八代酷睿i7四核处理器,8GB内存,512GB固态硬盘,支持MX150独立显卡,2GB显存,可以让整机在图形处理方面性能提升一些。拥有一块14英寸显示屏,分辨率为1920×1080,小红点依旧保留。在接口方面,它拥有Type-C、USB3.0×2、全功能Type-C接口,雷电3接口,HDMI、RJ45、Micro SD以及耳机麦克风复合...
The ThinkPad T480 comes standard with built-in Power Bridge technology. This innovation is the answer to 'low battery' warnings, especially if you are on the road or without a nearby power outlet. It allows you to swap out a battery and replace it with a fully charged one—without having...
型号:ThinkPad T480 产品定位:游戏高端,学生用机,性价比机,家庭办公,影音娱乐,轻薄便携,商用电脑 操作系统:Win10 专业版 CPU型号:I5-8250U CPU类型:Intel i5 内存类型:DDR4 最大支持内存:32GB 内存容量:8GB 硬盘容量:256GB 硬盘类型:固态硬盘 显卡类型:集成显卡 您的浏览器不支持HTML5,无法观看我们提供的视频...
型号:ThinkPad T480 产品定位:游戏高端,影音娱乐,家庭办公,商用电脑,轻薄便携,性价比机,学生用机 操作系统:Windows10 处理器 核心数:四核心 CPU类型:Intel i7 CPU型号:I7-8550U 内存 内存容量:8G 内存类型:DDR4 最大支持内存:32GB 硬盘 硬盘类型:混合硬盘 硬盘容量:1TB+128GB 显卡 显卡类型:独立显卡 显...
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