我上一个IBM T43 是05年出厂的, 一直用到 2019年 换 成T480 ,T43 还使用都很正常呢, T480 ...
Re:T480: LG 4K screen stoped working from one day to the other Hello jan_cologne, Welcome to Lenovo Community I understand that the LG monitor connected via USB-C to your ThinkPad T480 stopped working. It sounds like the issue might be related to the re...
1. 开机报错,显示:The connected AC adapter has a lower wattage than the recommended model which ...
The full error is "battery 1: the battery has failed due to normal wear. The battery cannot be charged. Replace battery." This is a recently purchased LENOVO_MT_20L6_BU_Think_FM_ThinkPad T480 I got a week ago. I note that the battery CAN be c...
I have a lenovo thinkpad T480 and the letters are not working. Neither the ones on the hardwearkeyboard nor the ones on the touchscreen keyboard. All other keys are working perfectly fine just not the letters. There probably just ...
My comments are mine. I don't work for or speak for Lenovo. Please do not send me PMs. Ask your question on this forum so that everyone can respond or learn. Welcome to the community forum. @JPEckmannwrote: This is on a ...
When i try to update and searching for driver to install on my freshly installed windows on my Thinkpad T480, in Lenovo Vantage, it said this sentence after loading "The catalog for your system is currently being updated. Please try...
System Setup Information: --- System Used: Lenovo Thinkpad T480 CPU SKU: Intel Core i5 8250u GPU SKU: Inel UHD
本吧热帖: 1-最高支持4T硬盘的机器,能装8T吗?有谁成功过吗? 2-2025thinkpad笔记本新活动推荐 3-5599?到手酷睿Ultra9的ThinkPad T14p! 4-`thinkpad最新活动至高1500劵,有需要去看下; 5-25号更新后有60史诗自选嘛?跟群友打了赌 6-【年货节特惠】ThinkPad笔记本活动无门槛
本吧热帖: 1-thinkpad笔记本年货节最新活动与推荐整理好了 2-ThinkPad年货节最新活动与推荐整理好了 3-09年ThinkPadR400 牛逼 4-`thinkpad最新活动至高1500劵,有需要去看下; 5-5599?到手酷睿Ultra9的ThinkPad T14p! 6-2025thinkpad笔记本新活动推荐 7-原来千年之光也分公母