void copyPointCloud(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& laserCloudMsg){ // 1. 读取ROS点云转换为PCL点云 cloudHeader = laserCloudMsg->header; // cloudHeader.stamp = ros::Time::now(); // Ouster lidar users may need to uncomment this line pcl::fromROSMsg(*laserCloudMsg,...
读取ROS点云转换为PCL点云 cloudHeader = laserCloudMsg->header; // cloudHeader.stamp = ros::Time::now(); // Ouster lidar users may need to uncomment this line pcl::fromROSMsg(*laserCloudMsg, *laserCloudIn); // 2. 去除点云中的Nan points std::vector<int> indices; pcl::removeNaNFrom...
// 1. 读取ROS点云转换为PCL点云cloudHeader=laserCloudMsg->header;// cloudHeader.stamp = ros::Time::now(); // Ouster lidar users may need to uncomment this linepcl::fromROSMsg(*laserCloudMsg,*laserCloudIn);// 2. 去除点云中的Nan pointsstd::vector<int>indices; pcl::removeNaNFromPoint...
(N_SCAN-1); // extern const float ang_bottom = 16.6+0.1; // extern const int groundScanInd = 7; // Ouster OS1-64 // extern const int N_SCAN = 64; // extern const int Horizon_SCAN = 1024; // extern const float ang_res_x = 360.0/float(Horizon_SCAN); // extern const ...
// cloudHeader.stamp = ros::Time::now(); // Ouster lidar users may need to uncomment this line pcl::fromROSMsg(*laserCloudMsg, *laserCloudIn); // 2. 去除点云中的Nan points std::vector<int> indices; pcl::removeNaNFromPointCloud(*laserCloudIn, *laserCloudIn, indices); ...
ouster128线激光雷达跑lego-loam 更新时间:2024年11月13日 综合排序 人气排序 价格 - 确定 所有地区 实力供应商 已核验企业 在线交易 安心购 查看详情 ¥1000.00/台 上海 德国SICK 激光雷达扫描仪 LD-LRS3611 现货 上海桂伦自动化设备有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥4798.00 安徽阜阳 树莓派4B阿克曼全向差分模型...
Ouster lidar IMU is not supported in the package as LeGO-LOAM needs a 9-DOF IMU. Run the package Run the launch file: roslaunch lego_loam run.launch Notes: The parameter "/use_sim_time" is set to "true" for simulation, "false" to real robot usage. Play existing bag files: ...
Ouster lidar IMU is not supported in the package. Run the package Run the launch file: roslaunch lego_loam run.launch Notes: The parameter "/use_sim_time" is set to "true" for simulation, "false" to real robot usage. Play existing bag files: rosbag play *.bag --clock --topic...
make sure your IMU is aligned properly with the lidar. The algorithm uses IMU data to correct the point cloud distortion that is cause by sensor motion. If the IMU is not aligned properly, the usage of IMU data will deteriorate the result. Ouster lidar IMU is not supported in the package...
make sure your IMU is aligned properly with the lidar. The algorithm uses IMU data to correct the point cloud distortion that is cause by sensor motion. If the IMU is not aligned properly, the usage of IMU data will deteriorate the result. Ouster lidar IMU is not supported in the package...