¥1,195.62 +19.4% (US) New Sealed Lego Star Wars 7146: TIE Fighter - The Original ¥1,244.25 +24.3% (JP) Star Wars TIE Fighter 7146 In 2001 New Retired ¥1,343.79 +34.2%Sales Distribution (Last 90 Days) This chart shows the distribution of sales for the past three months of ...
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Looking for specific information about Lego® Star Wars or Lego® in general and can't find it here? You can ask a Lego® related question on Wikianswers Lego®! Please read our Manual of Style before creating an article, thank you.READ...
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 7146 LEGO Star Wars TIE FighterTM 7166 7106 LEGO Star Wars LEGO Star Wars 7127 TM TM TM LEGO Star Wars Imperial AT-ST Imperial Shuttle Droid Escape www.LEGO.com/starwars 7126 LEGO Star Wars TM Battle Droid Carrier 7186 LEGO Star Wars Watto’sTM ...
7146 TIE Fighter Theme / SubthemeStar Wars/Episode IV Year2001 Pieces / Minifigs171 / 2 AvailabilityRetired Buy this set at AmazoneBay Retail¥142.13 Value¥1,001.37 Growth+604.6% Annual growth 7.5% I own this set I want this set ...
早在1999 年,乐高即发布星球大战(LEGO Star Wars)套装,2001 年,哈利. 波特(LEGO Harry Potter)系列问世。“乐高尽可能引进某一段时间特别热门的系列,比如星战、超人以及哈利. 波特系列,最近就是复仇者联盟了。将热门热衷的角色和拼搭bricks结合到一起,在乐高工程师的加工下形成自己的故事主线。比如复仇者联盟,就...
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7146 TIE Fighter Theme / SubthemeStar Wars/Episode IV Year2001 Pieces / Minifigs171 / 2 AvailabilityRetired Buy this set at AmazoneBay Retail¥142.13 Value¥1,001.37 Growth+604.6% Annual growth 7.5% I own this set I want this set ...
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