7140 积木砖家乐高LEGO Star Wars original X-Wing from 1999! set 是在优酷播出的生活高清视频,于2015-05-15 14:42:53上线。视频内容简介:积木砖家
7140 X-Wing Fighter Theme / Subtheme Star Wars / Episode IV Year 1999 Pieces / Minifigs 266 / 4 Availability Retired Buy this set at Amazon eBay StockX Bricklink Retail ¥213.23 Value ¥1,620.23 Growth +659.9% Annual growth 8.1% I own this set I want this set 4477 T-16 Skyhopp...
7140 X-Wing Fighter Theme / SubthemeStar Wars/Episode IV Year1999 Pieces / Minifigs266 / 4 AvailabilityRetired Buy this set at AmazoneBayStockXBricklink Retail¥213.23 Value¥1,608.92 Growth+654.6% Annual growth 6.3% I own this set
Ihave a Lego confession. Minifigures are made of durable plastic but something in my core shakes when I have to touch or hold the Star Wars oldies from 1999, or any year to be honest. In my mind, they’re fragile and I always feel the need to wear white gloves to protect them from...
Looking for specific information about Lego® Star Wars or Lego® in general and can't find it here? You can ask a Lego® related question on Wikianswers Lego®! Please read our Manual of Style before creating an article, thank you.READ...
Star Wars Lego sets: a history It’s hard to imagine now but, back in the late 1990s, Lego was starting to struggle. In 1998 the company posted its first-ever loss. A year later, it revealed a deal with Star Wars, and by November its first X-Wing set was released (set 7140, if...
7140 X-Wing Fighter Theme / SubthemeStar Wars/Episode IV Year1999 Pieces / Minifigs266 / 4 AvailabilityRetired Buy this set at AmazoneBayStockXBricklink Retail¥213.23 Value¥1,608.92 Growth+654.6% Annual growth 6.3% I own this set
早在1999 年,乐高即发布星球大战(LEGO Star Wars)套装,2001 年,哈利. 波特(LEGO Harry Potter)系列问世。“乐高尽可能引进某一段时间特别热门的系列,比如星战、超人以及哈利. 波特系列,最近就是复仇者联盟了。将热门热衷的角色和拼搭bricks结合到一起,在乐高工程师的加工下形成自己的故事主线。比如复仇者联盟,就...
It's unlikely to have escaped your notice that 2019 is an anniversary year for the LEGOStar Warstheme, and LEGO has chosen to celebrate this landmark achievement with a special festive X-wing Fighter, that is a meant to be a hat-tip tothe original 7140 setfrom 1999. ...
A short time ago in a toy store not too far away . . . I was looking at this set on Force Friday and wondering if this set was worth getting. I haven't seen Star Wars the Force Awakens yet, so I don't know if this is Poe's primary fighter, or if he loses