LEGO 7101 Lightsaber Duel was a 52 piece Star Wars set with 2 minifigs released in 1999. It consists of a moisture vaporator, Darth Maul's speeder bike, and two minifigures: Qui-Gon Jinn with a green lightsaber and Darth Maul with a red lightsaber. The set is based on the film Star...
天猫精选 乐高星球大战75105千年隼LEGO STAR WARS 积木玩具益智收藏 ¥1699 去购买 9月4日迪士尼在全球范围内搞了十分盛大的星战7主题产品上市活动,而作为迪士尼忠实合作伙伴的乐高,也在这一天推出了多款星战新品。除了新版钛战机、X翼战机、运兵船、穿梭机等“传统保留项目”,这次新品中最受瞩目的还是新的千年隼和第...
Ihave a Lego confession. Minifigures are made of durable plastic but something in my core shakes when I have to touch or hold the Star Wars oldies from 1999, or any year to be honest. In my mind, they’re fragile and I always feel the need to wear white gloves to protect them from...
无论是国外的lego creation的网站,还是国内的百度贴吧,你可以看到用乐高做成的AK47,可以看到乐高手机壳,乐高dairy, 还有大型的星战主题(Star Wars),霍比特人主题(The Hobbit)。但是这些大部分都是由小颗粒模块不断重复组成的。设置乐高还能够做出各种各样生活中的小用品。下图展示的是BG17,数码相机,乐高DIY水杯: h...
In the years since, The LEGO Group has expanded the Powered Up system to include the consumer facing#17101 Boost Creative Toolbox (2017)and#75253 Droid Commander (2019)sets, both aimed at younger ages (7+ and 8+ respectively). For older audiences (Ages 10+) they offer the#45678 LEGO Ed...
今日必买:哲高 01025 复古打字机 24.09元(需用券) 明迪 黑神悟空机甲积木 K2132 黑悟空机甲 26.8元(需用券) 俐智 椰壳积木发夹女孩甜美发饰多巴胺个性直播可爱头饰女 7101丑娃发夹 2.46元(需买4件,需用券) 1/16 2/16 3/16 4/16优惠爆料原文 购买渠道 京东 商品好评率100% 去购买 来...
W家买三付二,可做凑单品 LEGO® Star Wars™ 乐高星球大战系列- 75193 - 千年隼号什么值得买甄选出windeln.de优惠促销商品,包括报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
Some of the Star Wars sets also have cool and unique mini figures. These mini figures can be sold separately on eBay. 5. DC Super Heroes and Marvel Sets DC Super Heroes and Marvel Sets have cool and collectible mini figures. These mini figures can worth a lot of money especially when yo...
LEGO 乐高 Star Wars星球大战系列 75255 尤达大师459元包邮什么值得买甄选出拼多多优惠促销商品,包括LEGO/乐高报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
这款LEGO 乐高 Elves 风之精灵 41077 飞马雪橇,共319颗粒,包括2个人仔,带翅膀的梦幻飞马造型可伸展,雪橇精致可爱,还有小小的城堡小屋,可玩性强,适合女性玩家。 报价445元,凑单这个LEGO 乐高 Star Wars TM,价格84.98元,大家还可以下方领取2件打8折优惠码,折合356元一件,单件比之前价格便宜了89元,最后不到424元...