The Lego Movie: Directed by Phil Lord, Christopher Miller. With Will Arnett, Elizabeth Banks, Craig Berry, Alison Brie. An ordinary LEGO construction worker, thought to be the prophesied as "special", is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil tyrant f
EMMET: Don't worry, Lucy, everything can still be awesome? DUPLO ALIEN - (HIGH-PITCHED SCREAMING) THE LEGO MOVIE 2 5 YEARS later WILDSTYLE: It wasn't awesome. We fought them off, but they kept returning. Flashback: [Duplo] Let's dance! WILDSTYLE: Every time we rebuilt, they ...
Vitruvius:Ah, we gotta write all that down 'cause I'm not gonna remember any of it, but here we go. The Special will now give an eloquent speech. [to Emmet] Vitruvius:Go ahead man, you got this. Benny:[suddenly appears]Hey, I'm Ben! But you can call me Benny! And I can buil...
Emmet's SpeechMark Mothersbaugh、sydney scoring orchestra、Cantillation Choir Submarines and Metal BeardMark Mothersbaugh、sydney scoring orchestra、Cantillation Choir Requiem For CuckoolandMark Mothersbaugh、sydney scoring orchestra、Cantillation Choir Reaching the KragleMark Mothersbaugh、sydney scoring orchestra、...
Vitruvius: Ah, yougottawriteallthatdowncauseI'mnotgonnarememberanyofit, butherewego. The Special will now give an eloquent speech. [everyone stares at Emmet who looks around the room in an awkward silence] Go ahead, man. You've got this. Emmet Brickowski: Okay. [Emmet walks up to the...
Reviewed by Colin Jacobson: As the fourth Lego movie since 2014 – and the third over two years - The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part lacks its predecessor’s ability to surprise. However, it comes with reasonable entertainment and matches up with the fir
70821 The LEGO® Movie 2™ Emmet and Benny's 'Build and Fix' Workshop! Pilot phase is August 28 – Dec 31 How it works: AI software translates LXFML data (LEGO Exchange Format Mel Script) from visual instructions to text based descriptions for braille and voice commanded instructions -...
SEE ALSO:'The Lego Movie 2' trailer is here to remind you that everything is not, in fact, awesome The latestLEGO Movie 2trailer starts off so bleak as Wyldstyle waxes broodingly over a Mad Max-style post-apocalyptic landscape, only to be interrupted by the ever-plucky Emmet, which ope...
70821 The LEGO® Movie 2™ Emmet and Benny's 'Build and Fix' Workshop! Pilot phase is August 28 – Dec 31 How it works: AI software translates LXFML data (LEGO Exchange Format Mel Script) from visual instructions to text based descriptions for braille and voice commanded instructions -...