The Lego Movie: Directed by Phil Lord, Christopher Miller. With Will Arnett, Elizabeth Banks, Craig Berry, Alison Brie. An ordinary LEGO construction worker, thought to be the prophesied as "special", is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil tyrant f
Emmet Brickowski: “What is happening?” Lucy: “You’re The Special and the prophecy states that you are the most important person in the universe. That’s you, right?” Emmet Brickowski: “Uhhh, yes, that’s me.” Famous The Lego Movie Quotes 12. Batman: “To the Batmobile! Dang ...
The Lego Movie(2014) Charlie Day: Benny Showing all 32 items Jump to: Photos(26) Quotes(6) Photos 3 more photos Quotes [repeated line] Benny:Spaceship! Benny:Disable the shield! Come on! You are undermining me! Computer:Which phrase would you like me to underline?
The Lego Movie: Directed by Phil Lord, Christopher Miller. With Will Arnett, Elizabeth Banks, Craig Berry, Alison Brie. An ordinary LEGO construction worker, thought to be the prophesied as "special", is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil tyrant f
The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part: Directed by Mike Mitchell. With Chris Pratt, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, Tiffany Haddish. It's been five years since everything was awesome and the citizens are facing the huge new threat of Lego Duplo, invaders from
Watch a story about a guy named Emmet and the super cool movie they made about him– THE LEGO® MOVIE™! When you’ve watched it, then get ready for even awesomer adventures with Emmet, his best brick fri… 1:222019 More THE LEGO® MOVIE 2™ videos ...
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d'emmet mesure plus de 18 cm de haut, 20 cm de long et 3 cm de large. avis du produit trouver plus d'articles comme celui-ci: the lego® movie 2™ le pied de page contient le sélecteur de pays ainsi que les sections « À propos de nous », « aide »,...
Emmet\'s Awesome Day (The Lego Movie),乐高大电影:艾米特的精彩一天,Anna Holmes,Scholastic,英语分级阅读书The Lego Movie乐高系列英文原版籍小学阅读书
The LEGO Movie features a star-studded voice cast, including Chris Pratt as Emmet, Elizabeth Banks as Wyldstyle, Will Arnett as Batman, and Morgan Freeman as Vitruvius. Other notable cast members include Liam Neeson as the dual-faced Good Cop/Bad Cop, Alison Brie as the quirky Unikitty, Wil...