Definition of act of God in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is act of God? Meaning of act of God as a legal term. What does act of God mean in law?
Definition of Singular God in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Singular God? Meaning of Singular God as a legal term. What does Singular God mean in law?
legal查询结果如下: 音标:['liːɡl] 基本释义/说明:adj.法定的;法律的;合法的 n. ①法律(上)的;有关法律方面的; alegaladviser 法律顾问. legalaffairs 法律事务. alegaloffence 违法行为. thelegalfare 诉讼费. freelegalaid 免费提供辩护律师. ...
-dniowego terminu odstąpienia od powyższych postanowień. Wszelkie powiadomienia o odstąpieniu od niniejszych postanowień otrzymane po upływie terminu lub niezawierające wymaganych elementów wymienionych w punktach (1)–(4) w poprzednim akapicie będą nieważne, a ...
If you are able, signing up to be a monthly sustainer would ensure that I can reliably commit to this work long term. You can visit for opportunities to give online, by mail, and more. You can also sign up for the newsletter to stay up to date with my ...
8.2 You may not use Confidential Information except in connection with your use of the Service as permitted under this TOS or as separately authorized in a signed writing by us. You agree to not disclose Confidential Information during the term of this TOS, after you cease using the Services,...
24.1. Except as set out in Condition 5.5, a person who is not a party to this Contract has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or any other equivalent legislation to enforce or to enjoy the benefit of any term of this Contract and consequently no one other ...
of the Services by Intelliverse, as the Client shall also pay Intelliverse within such thirty (30) day periods all the fees for the Services that would have been provided by Intelliverse for the remainder of the Initial Term or then-current Renewal Term. Client’s right to receive Services...
In 2008, an 18 year-old was charged with “breach of due respect to the king” for writing “God, Country, Barca” on a school board, in reference to his favorite football club. The national motto of Morocco is “God, Country, King”. 最近,Yassine Belassal[14]在The Fouad Mourtada的...
Definition of Commitment in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Commitment? Meaning of Commitment as a legal term. What does Commitment mean in law?