从上面的解释可以看出 act of God是仅指自然力量引起的不可抗力。vis majeure 首先来看一下维基百科对该词的英文释义:Vis major is a Latin term that means "superior force" and describes an irresistible natural occurrence that causes damage or disruption and that is neither caused by nor preventable ...
act of God.A definition of the term "act of God" is presented. It refers to an unexpected and unavoidable event or occurrence, such as a storm or a flood, that is not covered by an insurance policy.EBSCO_bspBloomsbury Business Library Business & Management Dictionary...
Vis major is a Latin term that means "superior force" and describes an irresistible natural occurrence that causes damage or disruption and that is neither caused by nor preventable by humans—even when exercising the utmost skill, care, diligence, or prudence.Examples of vis major include hurrica...
act of God- a natural and unavoidable catastrophe that interrupts the expected course of events; "he discovered that his house was not insured against acts of God" force majeure,inevitable accident,unavoidable casualty,vis major calamity,catastrophe,tragedy,disaster,cataclysm- an event resulting in gr...
Act of God is a term that refers to natural disasters like floods or earthquakes. It specifically delineates natural calamities from Force majeure, which encompasses both natural and human-induced forces. Act of God solely highlights natural catastrophes.Fortuitous event signifies an ...
英文act of god属普通法之概念,《元照英美法词典》译为“天灾”和“不可抗力”,并谓“没有人力干涉,完全由自然力导致的事件。”英国法官将act of god清楚定义为包括自然灾害等在内的人力无法干预的自然事件,包括水灾、台风、海啸、地震及火山爆发等,并且不等同于“无法避免的事件”(inevitable accident)。如新冠...
Definition of act of God in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is act of God? Meaning of act of God as a legal term. What does act of God mean in law?
英文act of god属普通法之概念,《元照英美法词典》译为“天灾”和“不可抗力”,并谓“没有人力干涉,完全由自然力导致的事件。”英国法官将act of god清楚定义为包括自然灾害等在内的人力无法干预的自然事件,包括水灾、台风、海啸、地震及火山爆发等,并且不等同于“无法避免的事件”(inevitable accident)。如新冠...
从上面的解释可以看出 act of God是仅指自然力量引起的不可抗力。 vis majeure 首先来看一下维基百科对该词的英文释义:Vis major is a Latin term that means "superior force" and describes an irresistible natural occurrence that causes damage or disruption and that is neither caused by nor preventable...
What Are Examples of Acts of God? Common examples of acts of God include earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and storms. What Is Another Term for Act of God? Another term for "Act of God" is "vis major." In Latin, vis major describes a "superior force" that causes damage that isn't...