The essays collected in this forum discuss the geopolitical legacy of the Russian Revolution of 1917, one of the most momentous political events of the twentieth century. From a range of different academic disciplines and perspectives, the authors consider how the profound transformations in society ...
The Cold War: A History in Documents The cold war lasted for more than fifty years and polarized the world. Rooted in political and ideological disagreements dating back to the Russian Revolution of 1917, the war emerged from disputes that intensified in the wake of World W... AM Winkler -...
The Russian Revolution of 1917 profoundly impacted the course of the communist movement worldwide. Sino-Soviet relations were paradoxical with collaboration and conflict being its defining features. From sharing ideological affinity as co-travelers in the 1950s to a long phase of open hostility from ...
What was the Russian Revolution of 1917? What did the Russian Revolution accomplish? What were the major events of the Mexican Revolution? What did the Spanish Revolution result in? What was the Argentine Revolution? What events led to the Russian Revolution? What did Venustiano Carranza do in ...
World War I (1914-1918): The destructive and devastating nature of World War I prompted world leaders to seek a lasting and just peace. By 1917, the war had reached a stalemate, and there was a growing desire among the belligerent nations for a settlement. Russian Revolution (1917): The...
The advent ofWorld War Iresulted in widespread impoverishment, bread uprisings, scarcity of fuel, and the obstruction of transportation networks such as roads and trains. Russia had intense and violent revolutions, climaxing with the October Revolution of 1917, which led to a civil war between in...
De Man went on reiterating his anti-Bolshevik allegations in 1920, further sharpened by his acquaintance with Bertrand Russell’s early writings on the Russian revolution: see, for example, “No Bolshevism in Twenty Years: Henri de Man Says State Socialism Dying Out Rapidly,” The Toronto ...
CHIANG KAI SHEK AND THE KUOMINTANG Sun Yat-Sen relocated his headquarters to Canton (now known as Guangzhou) in 1917, and Chiang followed in 1918. At this point, Sun was treated with complete disregard; lacking weapons and resources, he was swiftly expelled from Guangdong (a province of Canto...
The Russian Revolution Lenin returned to Russia in April 1917 after the czar had abdicated and the Soviet Revolution was underway. The country was being run by a provisional government, which Lenin termed “a dictatorship of thebourgeoisie.” He envisioned a “dictatorship of the proletariat,” in...