Russia’s disastrous performance inWorld War Iwas one of the primary causes of theRussian Revolution of 1917, which swept aside theRomanov dynastyand installed a government that was eager to end the fighting. TheTreaty of Brest-Litovsk(1918) wherebyRussiayielded large portions of its territory to...
In the east the troops of the Russian army had, in the words ofVladimir Lenin, “voted for peace with their legs,” and the representatives of thenascentSoviet stateforged aseparate peacewith Germany. Freed to focus their efforts against the Allies in the west and eager to act before theUn...
(1919) and had turned toMarxismafter theBolshevikvictory in theRussian Revolution of 1917. In theturmoilof 1920s China CCP members such asMao Zedong,Liu Shaoqi, andLi Lisanbegan organizing labor unions in the cities. The CCP joined with theNationalist Partyin 1924, and the alliance proved ...
Thus, the threat of combined Allied operations by sea and land along the Flemish coast would be dispelled and the stage set for a German thrust toward the Channel ports. The warning to the Allies was timely. Formations in the salient were cautioned to expect an attack, but the intended ...
10 Women Who Advanced Our Understanding of Life on Earth From Sport to Spectacle: The History of the Super Bowl Nikola Tesla's Weird Obsession with Pigeons Arthur Zimmermann: Zimmermann TelegramEncoded text of the “Zimmermann Telegram,” sent January 16, 1917, in which Germany proposed a militar...
The Battle of Verdun lasted from February 21 to December 18. The First Battle of the Somme carried on from July 1 to November 13. Robert Nivelle(more) On April 16, 1917, the Allies tried again. Brashly claiming that he would end the war within 48 hours, the French army’s commander ...
Battle of Jutland May 31, 1916 - June 1, 1916 Brusilov Offensive June 4, 1916 - August 10, 1916 First Battle of the Somme July 1, 1916 - November 13, 1916 Battle of Messines June 7, 1917 - June 14, 1917 June Offensive July 1, 1917 -c.July 4, 1917 ...