Clinically, as the disease progresses, hypoperfusion causes the affected extremity to become pale, cold, and paresthetic. Deep vein thrombosis : Phlebothrombosis occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein in the absence of an inflammatory reaction. The most common sites of venous thrombosis are ...
Direct blunt trauma is the most common cause of muscle contusion and hematoma. Other causes includinganticoagulation,panniculitis,erythema nodosum, insect stings,lymphangitis, andforeign bodiesare less common, but they can also mimicDVT[14]. In the most acute stage, the muscle becomes swollen and...
unlessSymptomatic Goodassociated withsystemic disordersSevereSteroids, cytotoxic GuardeddrugsSmall vessel(venuleslSmall arteryMedium-sizedarteryLargevesselUrticarial lesions,palpable purpuraErythema nodosumNecrosis of majororgans, livedoreticularis,purpura,mononeuritismultiplesClaudication,necrosisModerateSteroids, cytotoxic...