older peoplenocturnal leg crampsquininesleep disordersmuscle crampsrisk/benefit ratio with this drug. In patients with severe symp- toms, a trial of 4-6 weeks' treatment with quinine is probably still justified, but patients should be warned of the risks, and the efficacy of treatment should be...
As people age, they may experience more frequent leg cramps due to natural changes in muscle mass and elasticity. Older adults are also more likely to have underlying health conditions that contribute to cramping. Managing Age-Related Cramps: Engage in regular low-impact exercises like walking or ...
Alcohol-related nocturnal leg cramps are mostly experienced by older people aged 60 or more. A study revealed thatalmost one-half of patients aged 60 or older experience nocturnal leg cramps. Moreover, a strong link has been found between alcohol consumption and sleep-related leg cramps among th...
Can taurine help reduce muscle cramps? Find out if taurine supplements can help reduce muscle cramps in people with liver damage (cirrhosis), reduce muscle soreness after exercise, or have other benefits. ConsumerLab.com's answer explains.
Naylor and colleagues studied 218 subjects and found the overall prevalence of cramps was 37% among patients 50 years and older. The cramps increased with age, with those over age 80 having a prevalence of 54%. No significant difference in prevalence was noted between men and women.The above...
Shifts in the body fluids such as seen in cirrhosis or during dialysis for kidney failure may also cause leg cramps or cramping in legs. Vigorous physical activities and muscle fatigue may cause leg muscle to cramp. Rest cramps are commonly seen in older individuals and ...
makingsignificantadvancesinunderstandingthisdisorder.Atthepresenttime,researchers believethatRLSisprobablyduetoasubcorticalbraindysfunction involving the dopaminergic system. Onset of RLS may begin at any age, even infancy, but most patients who are severely affected are middle-aged or older. ...
An alternative version comes from the fact that women were allowed on board Royal Navy ships in the 19th century and that they were allowed to stay asleep after the sailors had been woken. In the morning the bosun’s mates(水手长助手) had to check whoever was still asleep and did so by...
Leg cramps at night are an unfortunately common ailment that can strike anyone for a variety of reasons. Pregnant women and the elderly are particularly susceptible, as are those who engage in particular sports activities or who take...