You may be more likely to experience leg cramps at night during pregnancy. (Photo Credit: Moment/Getty Images) You're more likely to have leg cramps if you: Are 50 or older Work your muscles too much Sit too long without moving Don't drink enough water Stand too long on hard surfaces...
In most cases, leg cramps are completely harmless and settle down quickly, but they can be a sign of an underlying medical problem or electrolyte imbalance. Cramp, often referred to as Charley Horse, typically affects the calf muscles,gastrocnemiusandsoleus, but can occur throughout the leg or...
Insomnia Risk Factors Insomnia affects women and people assigned female at birth (AFAB) more than men and people assigned male at birth and older people more than younger ones. Young and middle-age African Americans also have a higher risk of insomnia. Other risk factors include: Rising age, ...
Here’s a question I frequently get from my patients: “I have cramps in my legs. Is it due to low potassium or other electrolyte problem?” Low Potassium is One Cause of Leg Cramps The answer is that hypokalemia (low potassium) frequently results in leg cramps. Heart doctors see many ...
Women who are pregnant, especially in the second and third trimesters, often experience nocturnal leg cramps. This is due to the pressure of the uterus on the veins that return blood from your lower extremeties to the heart. Fish oil supplements provide an opportunity for you to get a daily...
As people age, they may experience more frequent leg cramps due to natural changes in muscle mass and elasticity. Older adults are also more likely to have underlying health conditions that contribute to cramping. Managing Age-Related Cramps: ...
Escherichia coli (E. coli)O157:H7is a diarrheal (often bloody) illness that may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fever, and abdominal cramps. Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) Salmonella Vibrio Chlamydiais an infection in men and women caused by an organism calledChlamydia trachomatis. ...
Peripheral artery disease is slightly more common in men than in women and most often occurs in older persons (over the age of 50). The known risk factors for peripheral artery disease are those that predispose to the development of atherosclerosis. Risk factors for peripheral artery disease ...
How do you prevent and treat cramps while running? Here are the best strategies for avoiding leg cramps while running: Run Long Guarding against muscle fatigue is key, so don’t take any shortcuts in training. “Train more, do longer distances,” says Noakes, a former ultramarathoner. “...
Older age. Valves in the veins weaken because of wear and tear as you age. Your veins start to lose elasticity, so vein walls and valves don’t work as well. Your sex. Women are four times more likely than men to get varicose veins. ...