right wing noun members of a conservative or reactionary political party, or those opposing extensive political reform. such a political party or a group of such parties. that part of a political or social organization advocating a conservative or reactionary position: The union's right wing favore...
If you have a fletching jig / clamp and there is a L on it then with that clamp you need to use a left wing feather. If there is a R on it then use a right wing feather. If there is no marking then your clamp is “straight” and can use either a left or right wing feather...
Collectively, people and groups, as well as the positions they hold, are referred to as the Left or the left wing. What does right mean? The word right, in contrast, refers to people or groups that have conservative views. That generally means they are disposed to preserving existing ...
andtherightalsoclaimtopursueequalityandfreedom,but they have different interpretations of the two terms. * a secular government is left; A religious government is right: the difference in the United States, India and Europe Catholic countries particularly (where was also the representative of ...
the right-wing/left-wing element of the population 2. peuple SOCIOL: le peuple the people + vb plur un homme du peuple a man of the people le peuple des campagnes country people + vb plur le peuple des villes townspeople + vb plur 3. peuple (foule): peuple lots of people plur...
The meaning of LEFT WING is the leftist division of a group (such as a political party) : the segment of a group (such as a political party) that calls for greater adherence to liberalism or progressivism. How to use left wing in a sentence.
The meaning of LEFT WING is the leftist division of a group (such as a political party) : the segment of a group (such as a political party) that calls for greater adherence to liberalism or progressivism. How to use left wing in a sentence.
history to those outside the United States requires an engagement with popular movements and political debates on the left and internationally as well as on the right in order to place the particular trajectory of right-wing thought and action in its broader local, national, and international ...
What is left wing and right wing? The term left-wing is generally used to describe people who have a liberal political ideology, while right-wing describes people who tend to have more conservative political beliefs. This terminology dates back to the days of the French Revolution when members...
Using Bullet Points ( • ) Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All ...