I joined the right-wing movement—to give a formal name to a very loose and informal set of associations—as a young graduate student shortly after the end of World War II. There was no question as to where the intellectual right of that day stood on militarism and conscription: it oppose...
Tory- a supporter of traditional political and social institutions against the forces of reform; a political conservative Adj.1.rightist- believing in or supporting tenets of the political right right-wing right- of or belonging to the political or intellectual right ...
“After 19 Republican-dominated states have passed election laws suppressing the vote and gerrymandering districts, a reactionary minority controls them. Although Biden won Wisconsin, for example, the state supreme court today left in place districts that likely will enable Republicans to control 60% o...
federal agents, a U.S. Marshal was killed, as well as Weaver's son. An FBI sniper fatally shot Weaver's pregnant wife as she stood in the cabin doorway prior to Randy Weaver's surrender. The Ruby Ridge incident became a symbol and inspiration for the struggle of right-wing extremists....
Additionally, our findings also show that the left/right-wing conflict is only determinant in the case of emerging economies, which may be explained by the fact that these countries are less-developed institutionally and economically, and thus provide more scope for political preferences to overcome...
“For example, if things like board membership and leadership positions were left to develop organically, it might take many more years before we are able to reach parity,” she said. Diversity in all aspects Brand explained that while gender is a significant issue, particularly in some countrie...
place. Far from celebrating this reform, French students reacted by attacking police, destroying storefronts, and burning cars. The demonstrations metastasized into a general strike, which predictably, became a platform for catch-all left-wing protests against capitalism, America, and the Iraq war....
Prosecutors said Harry Vaughan, 18, had an “extreme right-wing and racist mindset”, and “an interest in explosives, firearms and violence”. An Old Bailey sentencing hearing was told he had also downloaded indecent videos of children. ...
Beliefs in hostile conspiracies against ‘Western civilisation’ or ‘white people’ play a key role in tying divergent far-right trope
Right-wing Media In a democracy the power lies in the manipulation of public opinion, who controls information prevails. Most People are Mostly Stupid It seems I have fallen into the very unpopular worldview of Ambrose Bierce and H. L. Mencken, for I too have come to the understanding that...