从执行计划看NOT IN、NOT EXISTS 和 LEFT JOIN效率,记住内外关联条件不要乱放-SQL开发实战系列(六) - 一、从执行计划看NOT IN、NOT EXISTS 和 LEFT JOIN效率有些单位的部门(如40)中一个员工也没有,只是设了一个部门名字,如下列语句:select count(*) from dept where
select cs.*from Customer csleft join Meter me on cs.Customer_No = me.Customer_Noleft join Meter_data md on me.meter_no = md.meter_no and md.date = '2019-04-09'where cs.Group_NO='册本编号' and md.meter_no is null; 1. 优化查询思路 用left join代替in+except,通过left join获取目...
NOT IN、JOIN、IS NULL、NOT EXISTS效率对比 语句一:select count(*) from A where A.a not in (select a from B) 语句二:select count(*) from A left join B on A.a = B.a where B.a is null 语句三:select count(*) from A where not exists (select a from B where A.a = B.a) ...
这里想要说明的是not in也可以很方便的使用left join替换。 not in结构 select*fromCustomer cswherecs.Group_No ='册本编号' andcs.Customer_Nonotin(selectCustomer_NofromCustomer cs leftjoinMetermeoncs.Customer_No =me.Customer_No innerjoinMeter_data mdonme.meter_no = md.meter_noandmd.date='2019...
NOT IN、JOIN、IS NULL、NOT EXISTS效率对比 语句一:select count(*) from A where A.a not in (select a from B) 语句二:select count(*) from A left join B on A.a = B.a where B.a is null 语句三:select count(*) from A where not exists (select a from B where A.a = B.a) ...
SQL优化--inner、leftjoin替换in、notin、except 新系统上线,⽤户基数16万,各种查询timeout。打开砂锅问到底,直接看sql语句吧,都是泪呀,⼀⼤堆in\not in\except。这⾥总结⼀下,怎么替换掉in\not in\except。1. in/except->left join 查询⽬的:根据 客户表(Customer,按照站点、册本划分,16...
简介:SQL优化--inner、left join替换in、not in、except新系统上线,用户基数16万,各种查询timeout。打开砂锅问到底,直接看sql语句吧,都是泪呀,一大堆innot inexcept。 SQL优化--inner、left join替换in、not in、except 新系统上线,用户基数16万,各种查询timeout。打开砂锅问到底,直接看sql语句吧,都是泪呀,一大...
mysql not in 和 left join 效率问题记录 首先说明该条sql的功能是查询集合a不在集合b的数据。 not in的写法 复制代码代码如下: select add_tb.RUID from (select distinct RUID from UserMsg where SubjectID =12 and CreateTime>'2009-8-14 15:30:00' ...
可以转换 但是最好不要转换,因为用左连(left join) 比in的效率高很多 特别是在in中字符串很长的时候。。。别人都在将in换成左联或者右联呢。
mysqlnotin、leftjoin、ISNULL、NOTEXISTS效率问题记 录 语句⼀:select count(*) from A where A.a not in (select a from B)语句⼆:select count(*) from A left join B on A.a = B.a where B.a is null 语句三:select count(*) from A where not exists (select a from B where A....