1.1 内连接 ( INNER JOIN )内连接是最常见的一种连接,它也被称为普通连接 返回结果: 1.2 左外连接 (LEFT OUTER JOIN) 返回结果: 1.3 右外连接 ( RIGHT JOIN ) 返回结果: 以上。
De: infnik via sap-abap [mailto:sap-abap@Groups.ITtoolbox.com] Enviado el: Mircoles, 09 de Diciembre de 2009 12:39 p.m. Para: Horacio Zapettini Asunto: RE:[sap-abap] Problem with left outer join in SAP query [http://userimages.toolbox.com/user/b_1791313.jpg] Posted by infnik...
在检查语句法提示出错: No fields from the right-hand table of a LEFT OUTER JOIN may appear in the WHERE condition: "D~EINDT". 请问该如何解决左完全连接的问题呢? 若LEFT JOIN 则在WHERE 中不能加限制条件,但在LEFT JOIN .. ON 的后面加一些限制条件,比如d~** = p_**、d~** = 'X',可不...
select * from t1 left join t2 on c1=d1 left join t3 on d2=e1 where e1=1; (e1满足非NULL条件,可以优化,甚至这里可以为:e2 in (select ……)) <==>等价于:select * from t1 left join t2 on c1=d1 inner join t3 on d2=e1 where e1=1; //inner转换 <==>等价于:select * from t1...
If the provider linked by join contains a provider such as a characteristic that is not contained in the providers connected by union, this could result in multiplication of key figures and therefore produce incorrect results. For further examples, see: "What's Ne...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development The "ON" keyword compares the id -> FOUR from itab1 and it doesnt find any FOUR in itab 2. Reply Former Member 2009 Mar 24 9:33 AM 0 Kudos 806 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, SELECT ztab1~id FROM ztab2 INNER JOIN ztab3 ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, just my 3 cents: - you never need to specify (or use in join conditions) a CLIENT as long as you are working with SY_MANDT. The database interface will use SY_MANDT whereever appropriate. - You need field PARTNER in the JOIN condition, i.e....
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, I have a program where in I have to join six tables one of which is a Left Outer Join. Now I have to change that using For All Entries... Please let me know how to split this Left Outer Join using For All Entries. Or Is there any...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development My client requires to apply multiple left outer join in single select query. Tell me how it is possible . tell me if we can use native sql query. Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic 3 REPLIES Former Member 2008 Jul 07 1:03 PM ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear experts, I would like to find all the rows of table "A" that are not stored in table "B". In Oracle I would use the Left Outer Join specifying "B.whtaeverfield is null" in the WHERE clause. Unfortunately it seems that this is not possibile...