De: infnik via sap-abap [] Enviado el: Mircoles, 09 de Diciembre de 2009 07:39 a.m. Para: Horacio Zapettini Asunto: [sap-abap] Problem with left outer join in SAP query [] Posted by infnik (...
在检查语句法提示出错: No fields from the right-hand table of a LEFT OUTER JOIN may appear in the WHERE condition: "D~EINDT". 请问该如何解决左完全连接的问题呢? 若LEFT JOIN 则在WHERE 中不能加限制条件,但在LEFT JOIN .. ON 的后面加一些限制条件,比如d~** = p_**、d~** = 'X',可不...
from left in joinData.DefaultIfEmpty() select result(s, left); return _result; } public static IEnumerable<TResult> RightExcludingJoin<TSource, TInner, TKey, TResult>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, IEnumerable<TInner> inner, Func<TSource, TKey> pk, Func<TInner, TKey> fk, Func<TSource...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, just my 3 cents: - you never need to specify (or use in join conditions) a CLIENT as long as you are working with SY_MANDT. The database interface will use SY_MANDT whereever appropriate. - You need field PARTNER in the JOIN condition, i.e....
Issue description Column names are not being mapped properly in leftJoin "ON" part Expected Behavior Column names should be mapped. Actual Behavior I am doing a leftJoin with sub query and in that sub query I have .select("table.*") stat...
LEFT OUTER JOIN and INNER JOIN in same select Former Member 2009 Mar 24 9:28 AM 0 Kudos 4,421 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I have 3 tables with following key field values (column is kalled id): ztab1: one, two, three, four ztab2: one, two, three ztab3...
left join 重复数据 本文主要梳理下,审计过程中运用到的分析性程序所需要的sql语句或技巧。若有错误或疏忽请海涵。一、删除重复数据我这里有一张表"sap表头”,他是从一个电商平台抓取的数据,如果多次抓取,就会有重复的记录。那么我们就需要把重复的去掉。这里我们用group语句就能解决问题。 create TABLE sap表头去重...
SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse) Hi, I have a problem with an infoset. I try to do an left outer join, but I can not find the opción JOIN TYPE. In the document that I find in internet say that, but in my sistem I only have this options: Can anyone help me ple...