今天测试程序发现需求实现中要使用LEFT JOIN,但程序激活检查出现错误,提示GOOGLE到网上启明星的答案才知道原来用LEFT JOIN时是不能用像IN这样的限制条件。又学习到了新知识,感谢SAPFANS的启明星原帖地址为:http://sapfans.com.cn/sapbbs/dispbbs
I need to join the matnr as it relates the correct material number to the correct delivery item. And what field does POSNR be linked to when the Item no. in EKPO and VTTP actually do not match? All I need are the PO by material with qty and net price, plus the Tracking No (TND...
In outer joins, all comparisons that contain columns from the database table or view dbtab_right on the right side (as an operand) must be specified in the associated join condition. These columns are not allowed as operands in the WHERE condition of the same SELECT statement. 以上....
Inner Join und Left Outer Join unterscheiden sich nur in dem Fall, dass eine der beteiligten Tabellen keinen passenden Satz gemäß den Join-Bedingungen enthält. Bei einemInner Join(Tabelle1Inner JoinTabelle2) wird in diesem Fall kein Satz in die Ergebnismenge aufgenommen. Das bedeutet ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I have 3 tables with following key field values (column is kalled id): ztab1: one, two, three, four ztab2: one, two, three ztab3::one, two I want to INNER JOIN table 2 and 3 and I want to LEFT OUTER JOIN table 1 and 2. So the ...
sparkleftjoinsparkleftjoinon 每天一个小例子: spark中, 1.leftsemijoin(左半连接)的意思就是,JOIN子句中右边的表只能在 ON 子句中设置过滤条件,右表中有重复的数据会自动跳过,具体详见: 2.leftantijoin含义:leftantijoin是 not in/not exists 子查询的一种更高效的实现,相当于not in或者not exists,leftanti...
Since not all of the database systems supported by SAP themselves support the standard syntax and semantics of the left outer join, the syntax has been restricted to those cases that return the same solution in all database systems: Only a table or view may come af...
SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse) Hi all, Can we have more than one left outer join in an infoset? How does"Tables connected with left outer joins always form the end of a chain of tables". Can anyone elaborate more? Thanks in advance Please don't provide any links to ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear experts, I would like to find all the rows of table "A" that are not stored in table "B". In Oracle I would use the Left Outer Join specifying "B.whtaeverfield is null" in the WHERE clause. Unfortunately it seems that this is not possibile...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Outer join used to join the tables even there is no entry in all the tables used in the view. Inner join used to join the tables but there should be an entry in all the table used in the view. ex. INNER JOIUN :- SELECT a~vbeln "Billing...