N/A Sliding Window Median.java Hard [Design, Heap, MaxHeap, MinHeap, Sliding Window] Java 22 N/A Single Number III.java Medium [Bit Manipulation] Java 23 N/A Trailing Zeros.java Easy [Math] Java 24 N/A Fast Power.java Medium [DFS, Divide and Conquer] Java 25 N/A Perfect Rectangle...
N/A Majority Number II.java Medium [Enumeration, Greedy] Java 1 N/A Search a 2D Matrix II.java Medium [Binary Search, Divide and Conquer] Java 2 N/A Missing Ranges.java Medium [Array] Java 3 N/A Inorder Successor in BST.java Medium [BST, Tree] Java 4 N/A Convert Integer A to...
比如我用Java刷,什么ant, gradle, junit, log4j, slf4j都用起来。可以省去很多搭环境,搭框架的时间,把精力都集中在解决算法上。leetcode虽然出了一个playground,但对vim支持还不太好。大的IDE又不爱用,现阶段我还是不得不自己开编辑器。这里给大家安利一个一键生成"Solution/Test"框架的小工具: 【leetcode-hel...
最后,刷题呢工具一定要用起来。比如我用Java刷,什么ant, gradle, junit,log4j, slf4j都用起来。可以...
https://leetcode.com/problems/scramble-string/discuss/29396/Simple-iterative-DP-Java-solution-with-explanation https://leetcode.com/problems/scramble-string/discuss/29394/My-C%2B%2B-solutions-(recursion-with-cache-DP-recursion-with-cache-and-pruning)-with-explanation-(4ms) ...
https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-absolute-file-path/discuss/86719/two-different-solutions-in-java-using-stack-and-hashmap LeetCode All in One 题目讲解汇总(持续更新中...) - 回复区间【1 - 1350】内任意数字推送对应的题目。 - 回复关键字 例如【Two Sum】推送对应的题目。
3. LeetCode Top 100 Problems top100 是比较经典的100道热门题目,其中很多在 BLIND 75 和代码随想录里已经做过了,不过还有一些是没有交叉的。 现在开始尝试自己写,还是跳过hard,题目从easy 到 medium, Acceptance 从高到低。 每道题开始先看一下 related topics(下图左下角红圈) 是什么,就是解法提示,复习一...
一. 树 1)求二叉树的高度(Maximum Depth of Binary Tree)// LeetCode, Maximum Depth of Binary ...
After you have covered all the cases, look at the solution of other guys in the Solutions section, who made a solution better than yours, Runtime and Memory graphs. Until you have to think about what these charts are, study all this at the next level. ...
LeetCode problems typically have additional constraints and explanations. Users are required to provide a solution in a specific programming language, such as Java, Python, or C++, and test their code against sample test cases provided by LeetCode.©...